首页 » matlab » 矩阵重构DOA估计算法


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  基于矩阵重构的DOA估计算法,包含DSVD算法和ESVD算法(The DOA estimation algorithm including DSVD and ESVD)


DSVD.m, 1469 , 2015-12-16
ESVD.m, 1506 , 2015-12-16



0 个回复

  • videotrafficof
    说明:  该程序使用系统对象来说明使用光流估计的方法在视频序列中检测并跟踪车辆。(This demo uses System objects to illustrate how to detect and track cars in a video sequence using optical flow estimation. )
    2010-04-13 00:07:17下载
  • matlab
    基于natlab的遗传算法的源代码,可以用于遗传算法的优化仿真分析,在解决优化计算问题的时候非常重要。(a program of matlab for GA)
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  • bbb
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  • fenduanmohuPID
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  • GM(1_1)2
    灰色理论GM(1,1)模型,可以学习一下!!!!(Grey Theory GM (1,1) model, you can learn about! ! ! !)
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  • SetConsoleColorDemo
    设置控制台文字颜色,可输出不同颜色的文字。 让控制台不再是单调的白字文字。(This program enables the win32 console to change the text color.)
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  • paper
    用硬件方式实现的3GPP的turob码的一整套流程!它包括3个不同的程序.其特点有:1.使用3种不同方式下用硬件实现编译码的过程(最优译码方式对比)2.不同交织长度下对性能影响的对比分析3.对1点所说的三种方法进行性能对比!对研究3GPP具有教大的参考价值!(Implemented in hardware mode set of 3GPP the turob code process! It includes three different programs. Its characteristics are: 1. Using 3 different modes with hardware encoding and decoding process (optimal decoding comparison) 2 . different interleaver lengths Comparative Analysis of Performance 3. to the 1:00 performance of the three methods mentioned comparison! research 3GPP has great reference value to teach!)
    2011-02-10 14:20:12下载
  • complex--small-world
    复杂网络小世界小程序 用MATLAB实现了(complex network)
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  • Imageprocessing
    包括图像分析的四部分代码:matlab扩散和高斯函数,线性扩散,线性复扩散,非线性扩散。(It contains four parts: [1]MATLAB function:diffusion.m gauss.m [2]Linear diffusion Applying linear diffusion to images creating linear scale-space. MATLAB code: demo_lin.m Image: haifa1.bmp [3]Linear complex diffusion Applying linear complex diffusion creating Gaussian and Laplacian scale-spaces. MATLAB code: demo_cmplin.m [4]Nonlinear diffusions: Perona-Malik ["Anisotropic diffusion"] Catte et al. regularization of P-M Complex ramp-preserving diffusion Nonlinear edge preserving diffusions.The classical Perona-Malik process: the value of the diffusion coefficient is reduced near edges estimated by the first derivative. Best applied to step edges. A regularized version by Catte et al- the gradient estimation for controlling the process is smoothed by a Gaussian. Proved to be mathematically well-posed. Ramp preserving complex diffusion- best for ramp-type edges. Results are smoother with almost no staircasing effects. MATLAB code: demo_nldif.m Image: ct_scan.bmp)
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