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于 2019-12-28 发布
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说明:  buck-boost电路实现光伏系统的最大功率跟踪(buck-boost circuit realize maximum power tracking of photovoltaic system)


buckboost.slx, 30102 , 2019-11-18



0 个回复

  • vp_I4_predblock
    一个基于H.264标准的4位图像预测压缩程序,使用MATLAB设计,对图像有着较好的预测处理效果(A standards-based H.264 compression 4 image projections, the use of MATLAB design, has a better prediction of the image processing effect)
    2010-09-16 11:19:01下载
  • 1
    说明:  为了提高认知无线电中感知用户对授权用户(主用户) 的检测概率,提出一种新的基于循环 谱统计量的主用户信号检测算法. 该算法利用循环谱离散频域平滑方法,对信号的循环谱在循环频 率处建立合理的检测统计量,然后求解得到对应不同虚警概率的判决门限,以使感知用户能检测信 噪比更低的授权用户信号.(To increase the detection probability of sensing users for licenced users (primary signals) in the cognitive radio , it put s forward a new primary users signal method based on cyclic spect rum statis2 tics. By using discrete f requency smoothing of cyclic spect rum , this algorithm establishes the reason2 able detection statistics on the cyclic f requency of signal cyclic spect rum , then solves and obtains the decision threshold correspond to different false alarm probability , as a result , making the sensing users can detect licenced users signal under lower signal in noise ratio (SNR) .)
    2010-04-14 20:26:37下载
  • PV_System-induc-motor
    model matlab PV system induction motor
    2012-09-22 04:34:43下载
  • poblictran
    利用ann预测北京公交——2005年的客运量,这里的客运量只包括北京公交总公司承担的客运量,不包括地铁的客运量(This program is useful to forecaste the ridership of Beijing public transportation )
    2009-10-16 11:56:17下载
  • cum3x
    一个伪随机序列的三阶累积量,在许多通信领域可以用到,他是用matlab编写的(A third-order cumulant pseudo-random sequence, can be used in many fields of communication, he is using matlab)
    2016-01-11 18:40:59下载
  • Diversity_STBC
    对应论文写的时空码的仿真程序。为2天线,BPSK调制模式。自己写的Space time code simulation提供给大家(Papers written in the corresponding space-time code of the simulation program. 2 antennas, BPSK modulation mode. Write your own Space time code simulation available to the U.S.)
    2007-10-28 02:08:54下载
  • mdpsas
    MDPSAS工具箱是马里兰大学开发的,基于MATLAB的一套面向对象的模块化仿真工具箱。包含半导体生产过程中的许多对象,对于研究学习是很好的指导材料。(mdpsas is a MATLAB-based set of object-oriented modular simulation tools for solving lumped and spatially distributed models generated from chemical process design and simulation problems. The framework facilitates an evolutionary approach to simulator development, starting with a simple process description and building model complexity and testing modeling hypothesis in a step-by-step manner)
    2009-05-14 14:42:21下载
  • PCAlates
    说明:  PCA和SVM的电磁模板分析攻击PCA and SVM for electromagnetic analysis attack templates(PCA and SVM for electromagnetic analysis attack templates)
    2011-03-27 13:26:36下载
  • yunsuanqi
    用MATLAB编程,实现加减乘除运算器的功能(MATLAB programming, the functions of addition, subtraction arithmetic unit)
    2012-05-18 15:29:01下载
  • shuangpujiancesignal
    计算信号的双谱,为机械故障诊断提供依据,还可以用于故障特征提取(Bispectrum for calculating signals)
    2018-11-21 08:50:17下载
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