首页 » Visual C++ » bysjtuxiang


于 2008-02-28 发布 文件大小:107KB
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  毕业设计的程序 用VC++6.0做的 主要是测试几个边缘检测算子的效果(Graduate programs designed to use VC++ 6.0 to do is to test several of the main edge detection operator effect)



0 个回复

  • 256togray
    可以将256色度级的图像转化为灰度图象,挺值得新手学习一下的,希望大家能喜欢(256 chroma level images can be converted to grayscale images, very worth novice to learn about, and I hope you like)
    2014-04-19 14:48:30下载
  • InversePerspectiveMapping
    对输入的图像帧感兴趣区域进行逆透视投影变换,得到俯视图。(The input of the image frame of interest in the area of the inverse perspective projection transform, get a top view. InversePerspectiveMapping)
    2016-12-04 21:31:56下载
  • fftmatlab
    matlab下图文并茂的分析了fft算法,分析了如何从频谱如何看频率,相位,幅值(Here to enter through the abundant of matlab analyzed fft, and analyzed from the frequency spectrum how to see that phase, should be translated text)
    2021-03-27 09:39:12下载
  • tuxiangchulidaima
    本文针对目前图像特效处理的需求,主要研究几种基本的数字图像处理算法,以达到人们所期待得到的各种不同的效果。并在基于Windows系统的Visual C++6.0集成开发环境下,生成BMP位图文件并对其进行读取,使用VC编码实现这些算法。编写程序在BMP位图文件中画出各种图像,例如:三角型,圆,正弦函数图。在点运算处理中介绍了灰度化处理,算法设计原理是将输入像素点的灰度值通过算法实现改变其相应输出点的灰度值。在图像增强中,介绍了图形的平滑和图像的锐化算法,其算法的设计原理是根据一个固定小区域的几个像素灰度值设置某个像素的灰度值,通常有其固定模板。 本文具体给出了这些算法的设计思想及算法描述,并通过程序实现。最后将其效果图与原始图像进行了比较。 (In this paper, the image effects to deal with the current demand for basic research in several digital image processing algorithms in order to achieve what people expect different result. And Windows-based system, Visual C++6.0 integrated development environment to generate BMP bitmap file and read them using VC coding to implement these algorithms. Write a program to draw a variety of graphics in BMP bitmap file, example: triangle, circle, sine function diagram. Point arithmetic processing grayscale processing, algorithm design principle is the value of the input pixel gray value of the corresponding output point algorithm change. Enhancement of the image on the smooth graphics and image sharpening algorithm. The design principle of the algorithm is based on a fixed number of small regions of a pixel value of gray-scale pixel value, usually a fixed template. In this paper, given the specific design of these algorithms and the algorithm description, and program . Finally, the effect o)
    2015-07-07 10:05:26下载
  • EffectShow
    精通Visual C++图像处理编程中的一个小程序,实现图像的各种扫描和移动,百叶窗等,可以作为初学者学习用
    2009-05-12 09:06:21下载
  • Visual-C-MATLAB-image-processing
    本书系统地介绍了图像处理与识别的基本原理、典型方法和实用技术。全书共分12章,第1章~第6章是图像处理与识别的基础内容,包括图像科学综述、MATLAB语言图像编程、图像增强、图像分割、图像特征提取和图像识别;第7章~第10章是图像处理与识别的工程实例,涵盖了医学图像处理、文字识别和自导引小车路径识别等应用实例,并结合理论算法,提供了大量MATLAB代码程序,以帮助读者掌握如何使用MATLAB语言快速进行算法的仿真、调试和估计等方法。第11章~第12章,是两个综合性较强的实例,分别是Visual C++实现的基于神经网络的文字识别系统和车牌定位系统。 本书附带的光盘给出了各个章节列举的实例的源代码,同时赠送了28个常用数字图像处理算法的Visual C++代码实现。 本书讲解深入浅出,实例程序丰富,注重理论与实践相结合。本书可作为计算机应用、自动化、图像处理与模式识别、机电一体化专业的高年级本科生或研究生的参考书,也可供从事图像处理与识别的研究人员和工程技术人员阅读参考。(This book introduces the basic principles of image processing and recognition of the typical methods and practical skills . The book is divided into 12 chapters , Chapter 1- Chapter 6 is the basis of the content of image processing and recognition , including images scientific overview , MATLAB programming language images, image enhancement, image segmentation, image feature extraction and image recognition Chapter 7- Section Chapter 10 is a project example image processing and recognition , covering the medical image processing, character recognition and self- guided trolley path recognition example , the combination of theory and algorithms, for a lot of MATLAB code procedures to help readers learn how to use MATLAB language fast simulation , debugging and estimation methods algorithm. Chapter 11- Chapter 12 , are two examples of highly integrated , namely Visual C++ implementation based on neural network character recognition system and a license plate positioning system. The book)
    2014-03-26 11:09:37下载
  • tiaoshi1
    计算机图像处理,MFC实现图像的直方图显示、直方图的均衡化,以及中值滤波等功能(Computer image processing, MFC histogram of image display, histogram equalization and median filter and other functions)
    2010-10-19 13:10:31下载
  • PhotoCut
    基于OpenCV实现的图像剪切,截取小软件,对学习OpenCV的朋友比较有帮助(OpenCV based on the realization of the image shear, the interception of a small software, to learning more OpenCV friends help)
    2020-11-17 15:19:41下载
  • 20061014182431864
    分割视图 希望大家多多批评指正 多多交流(segmentation View I hope Members can interact more criticism correction)
    2006-12-27 00:32:21下载
  • 11
    说明:  LSA的第一步是要去创建词到标题(文档)的矩阵。在这个矩阵里,每一个索引词占据了一行,每一个标题占据一列。每一个单元(cell)包含了这个词出现在那个标题中的次数。例如,词”book”出现在T3中一次,出现在T4中一次,而”investing”在所有标题中都出现了一次。一般来说,在LSA中的矩阵会非常大而且会非常稀疏(大部分的单元都是0)。这是因为每个标题或者文档一般只包含所有词汇的一小部分。更复杂的LSA算法会利用这种稀疏性去改善空间和时间复杂度。(The Little Book of Common SenseInvesting: The Only Way to Guarantee Your Fair Share of StockMarket Returns ,)
    2015-12-23 20:26:03下载
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