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MFC第二版,编程大师侯俊杰先生经典之作。-MFC Second Edition, programming master Mr. Hou Junjie classic.



0 个回复

  • Gis related: administrative unit data to the grid cell transformation technology...
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  • fact documented by a large number of tasks and dialogue that recreates the Lin B...
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  • 一种基于预测PI控制器的自相似网络主动队列管理算法
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  • ConvertVB6toVB7: This application does the form painting depending upon the VB...
    ConvertVB6toVB7: This application does the form painting depending upon the VB6 from file. It uses a XML file to get most of the changed Valued from VB6 to VB7 It relies mostly on the XMl file VB7.xml we can make this program more generic as it s depends upon XML file for data transfer. The logic are mostly there and can be extended to perform most of the task Some task are left. The problem with VB7 is with Control Array It is not handeld in the Program. For this to run u require Viusal Studio.NET Hapy new Year and best of luck.-ConvertVB6toVB7: This application does the form painting depending upon the VB6 from file. It uses a XML file to get most of the changed Valued from VB6 to VB7 It relies mostly on the XMl file VB7.xml we can make this program more generic as it s depends upon XML file for data transfer. The logic are mostly there and can be extended to perform most of the task Some task are left. The problem with VB7 is with Control
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  • " Visual C++ wavelet transform technology and engineering practice," Au...
    《Visual C++小波变换技术与工程实践》 作者:靳济芳。书上的代码。第5章:小波变换与数字图像处理。包括:图像的复原,图像增强,图像融合的代码,供大家参考。-" Visual C++ wavelet transform technology and engineering practice," Author: Ji Jin-fang. On the code book. Chapter 5: Wavelet Transform and digital image processing. Include: image restoration, image enhancement, image fusion of code, for your reference.
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  • 龙芯处理器主要包括三个系列。龙芯1号处理器及其IP系列主要面向嵌入式应用,龙芯2号超标量处理器及其IP系列主要面向桌面应用,龙芯3号多核处理器系列主要面向服务器...
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