首页 » 电子书 » 这本书是";TCP/IP详解系列";1996。我的主要内容。


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本书是“TCP/IP详解系列”的延续。主要内容包括:TCP事务协议,即T/TCP,这是对TCP的扩展,使客户-服务器事务更快、更高效和更可靠;TCP/IP应用,主要是HTTP和NNTP;UNIX域协议,这些协议提供了进程之间通信的一种手段。当客户与服务器进程在同一台主机上时,UNIX域协议通常要比TCP/IP快一倍。本书同样采用了大量的实例和实现细节,并参考引用了卷2中的大量源程序。-the book is "TCP/IP Elaborates on Series" in 1996. The main contents include : TCP services agreement, T/TCP, and this is the TCP so that the client-server services faster, more efficient and more reliable; TCP/IP applications, primarily HTTP and NNTP; UNIX domain agreements, which provide the communication process between a these means. When the client and the server process on the same mainframe, UNIX domain agreement usually than TCP/IP twice as fast. The book also has a large number of examples and achieve details, quoting reference volumes of two large source.



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