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VC在线杂志精华19-VC-19 best magazines



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  • TI公司的MSP430与SD卡连接的驱动,测试版
    TI公司的MSP430与SD卡连接的驱动,测试版-TI"s MSP430 connection with the SD Card Drivers test version
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  • 代码分为两部分:ff_const_mul.v和ff_mul.v,从而实现GF乘法器,VERILOG编写...
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  • distortion measure for a variety of c procedures.
    基于各种失真测度的c++程序。-distortion measure for a variety of c procedures.
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  • 描述了C++文件操作的操作方法 ios::app:   以追加的方式打开文件 ios::ate:   文件打开后定位到文件尾,ios:app就包含有此...
    描述了C++文件操作的操作方法 ios::app:   以追加的方式打开文件 ios::ate:   文件打开后定位到文件尾,ios:app就包含有此属性 ios::binary:  以二进制方式打开文件,缺省的方式是文本方式。两种方式的区别见前文 ios::in:    文件以输入方式打开 ios::out:   文件以输出方式打开 ios::nocreate: 不建立文件,所以文件不存在时打开失败  ios::noreplace:不覆盖文件,所以打开文件时如果文件存在失败 ios::trunc:  如果文件存在,把文件长度设为0 -Describes the C++ file operations How ios:: app: an additional way to open the file ios:: ate: File opened locate end of file, ios: app will contain this attribute ios:: binary: open the file in binary mode , the default way is to text mode. The difference between two ways to see above ios:: in: file to open the input mode ios:: out: file to output mode open the ios:: nocreate: do not create the document, so when you open the file does not exist failed ios:: noreplace: Do not overwrite file, so when you open the file if the file exists failed ios:: trunc: If the file exists, the file size set to 0
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  • protoolkit 程序设计籍,可用超星阅读器打开。
    protoolkit 程序设计电子书籍,可用超星阅读器打开。-protoolkit programming e-books that can be used to open Chaoxing reader.
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  • This redbook helps you write MPI (Message Passing Interface) programs that run o...
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