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UC/OS电子书籍,笔记及其源代码注释,包括程序的流程图, -UC/OS e-books, notes and source notes, including procedures for the flow chart



0 个回复

  • modbus tcp协议
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  • Based on DSPBuilder to achieve integration, PID algorithm a number of small arti...
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  • 《细说清朝》
    《细说清朝》----《细说中国历史丛书》第8卷 本书《细说中国历史丛书》系已故旅美历史学家黎东方先生所著。作者以生动别致的“讲史”形式详细讲述了自秦汉到中华民国各个历史时期的重要人物和事件。书中不但将各种事件和人物剖析、介绍得清清楚楚,而且还加上作者自己的判断和评论,让读者更深刻、更有兴趣地了解历史真相。作者还善于用现代人所了解的名词去解释历上的各官职和家族关系等,使全书显得通俗易懂。
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  • on JDBC Database Programming, the book introduces Java programming foundation, b...
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  • 第二部分讲述的是在Wi n 3 2平台上的Wi n s o c k编程。对于众多的基层网络协议, Wi n s o c k是访问它们的首选接口。而且在每...
    本书第二部分讲述的是在Wi n 3 2平台上的Wi n s o c k编程。对于众多的基层网络协议, Wi n s o c k是访问它们的首选接口。而且在每个Wi n 3 2平台上,Wi n s o c k都以不同的形式存在着。 Wi n s o c k是网络编程接口,而不是协议。它从U n i x平台的B e r k e l e y(B S D)套接字方案借鉴了 许多东西,后者能访问多种网络协议。在Wi n 3 2环境中,Wi n s o c k接口最终成为一个真正的 “与协议无关”接口,尤其是在Winsock 2发布之后。-book on the second part of the Wi n 3 2 on the platform"s Wi n o c k programming. To many of the grass-roots network protocol, Wi n s o c k is to visit their preferred interface. But in each Wi n 3 2 platform, Wi n o c k"s in different forms exist. Wi n s o c k network programming interface, rather than agreement. From U n i x platform B e r k e l e y (S B D) socket program draws many things, The latter would be able to visit a variety of network protocols. In Wi n 3 2 environment, Wi n o c k s interface will eventually become a real "agreement has nothing to do with the" interface, especially in the Winsock 2 was released.
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