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vc的一些原码,对于帮助学习和提高很有帮助-vc some of the original code, for help to learn and improve very helpful



0 个回复

  • This is a summary of mine Paladin, I can not prepare interface there is a comman...
    这是一个简易的扫雷游侠,由于我不会编写界面,所以是一个命令行下的模拟扫雷,:)-This is a summary of mine Paladin, I can not prepare interface there is a command line under the simulated mine, :)
    2022-03-11 00:35:10下载
  • 邮政树成员的样本比较建议
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  • 无线局域网仿真
    WLAN仿真-发送机 wlan No Comments 设置完系统参数后,开始产生发送数据。 1. 产生随机的发送bit(tx_bits),这里不考虑信道编码。 2. QAM映射 3. 将数据映射到不同载波,形成OFDM符号 4. 产生pilot,并将pilot插入OFDM符号中 5. 加入dc和guard子载波 6. 进行ifft,将频域信号变到时域,并加入循环前缀 7. 对信号进行overlap window 8. 在时域产生short preamble 9. 在时域产生long preamble 10. 将preamble和数据符号组成packet 11. 升采样 得到信道传输的数据Tx_signal_up 具体程序见附件 wlan_transmitter.m-WLAN Simulation- wlan No Comments transmitter system parameters set finished, the beginning to have to send data. 1. Have sent random bit (tx_bits), here does not consider channel coding. 2. QAM mapping 3. The data is mapped to a different carrier to form OFDM symbols 4. Have a pilot, and pilot inserted OFDM symbols 5. Adding dc and guard subcarriers 6. To carry out ifft, will change the frequency domain signal to time domain, and add cyclic prefix 7. the signals overlap window8. In the time domain have a short preamble9. In the time domain have a long preamble10. the preamble and data symbols packet11. or sampling re
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  • 用java开发终端平台上的Application程序, 比使用C++,Delphi等语言更加容易。 java语言似乎天生就适合团队开发。但是,摆在广大java开...
    用java开发终端平台上的Application程序, 比使用C++,Delphi等语言更加容易。 java语言似乎天生就适合团队开发。但是,摆在广大java开发者面前的一个难题是,客户端必须安装JRE。真的必须安装JRE吗?其实你可以不装,只要使用Java Runner,无论在哪里,你的程序都可以Run起来。-spent on the terminal platform Application procedures, the use of C, Delphi and other languages easier. Java language seem naturally fit team development. However, the majority of java placed in front of the development of a problem is, the client must be installed JRE. Really must install the JRE? Actually, you can not, only use Java Runner, regardless of where your program can Run up.
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  • stiffened ideal for the design of large thickness overcome the problems that may...
    加强肋 理想的设计 为了克服壁厚大可能引起的问题,使用是一种可减少壁厚并能增加刚性的有效方法。 一般来说,部件的刚性可用以下方法增强 增加壁厚; 增大弹性模量(如加大增强纤维的含量); 设计中考虑。 如果设计用的材料不能满足所需刚性,则应选择具有更大弹性模量的材料。简单的方法是增加塑料中增强纤维的含量。但是,在特定壁厚下,这种方法仅能使刚性呈线性增长。更有效的方法是使用经过优化设计的。由于惯性力矩增大,部件的刚性便会增大。在优化的尺寸时,不但要考虑工程设计应当考虑的问题,还应考虑与生产和外观有关的技术问题。 优化的尺寸 大的惯性力矩可很容易地通过设置又厚又高的来实现。但是对热塑性工程塑料,这种方法常会产生制品表面凹痕、内部空洞和翘曲等问题。而且,如果的高度过高,在负荷下结构将有可能膨胀。出于这种考虑,必须在合理比例内保持的尺寸(见图1)。-stiffened ideal for the design of large thickness overcome the problems that may arise. use of a reduced wall thickness and rigidity can increase the effective method. In general, the rigid parts of the following methods can be used to enhance increased thickness; increased elastic modulus (such as increasing fiber content); Design considerations. If the design of the materials used can not meet the rigid requirements, they should have a greater choice of elastic modulus of the material. The simple way out is to increase plastics reinforced fiber content. However, in s
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