首页 » TAPI » 利用TAPI实现普通电话信道的控制。注意:需要…


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利用TAPI实现对普通电话线路的控制。注意:需要使用支持TAPI的语音调制解调器。-Using TAPI realization to ordinary telephone channel control. Attention: Needs to use supports TAPI the voice modem.



0 个回复

  • The TapiComm sample uses both the Telephony API and the Win32 Communications API...
    The TapiComm sample uses both the Telephony API and the Win32 Communications API to demonstrate one way to implement a very simple TTY application. While the user interface and TTY emulation are very rudimentary, the TAPI and comm modules are fairly complete.
    2023-05-14 22:35:03下载
  • 使用TAPI开发的电话自动排队、转接的源程序,另一个tapi_soft_phone.zip要使用到的...
    使用TAPI开发的电话自动排队、转接的源程序,另一个tapi_soft_phone.zip要使用到的-The use of TAPI development of automated telephone line, switching the source, and the other tapi_soft_phone.zip want to use to the
    2022-10-09 09:20:02下载
  • tapi_unimodem
    TAPI_Unimodem-TAPI Unimodem document
    2022-11-24 07:20:03下载
  • IP
    说明:  IP通讯协议,基于DSP2812芯片,在CCS3.0开发平台运行(IP communication protocol)
    2011-04-06 18:51:27下载
  • tapi实现的自动拨号程序。 TAPI(Telphony Application Programming Interface)可以称作电话编程接口,它是微软...
    tapi实现的自动拨号程序。 TAPI(Telphony Application Programming Interface)可以称作电话编程接口,它是微软提供的计算机和电话网相联系的编程接口,使程序员可以利用这个接口通过电话线使用多种计算机复杂的通讯工作。TAPI能提供的功能主要有:自动拨号;以文件、传真、电子邮件的方式传送文件;访问Internet或其他形式信息服务、组织会议呼叫、使用主叫识别处理入呼叫、计算机间通过电话线的互相协作。这里提到的有的功能很早就已经广泛应用了,还有一些由于我国交换设备不提供此类功能很少问津。-tapi realize automatic dialers. TAPI (Telphony Application Programming Interface) can be called phone programming interface, which is provided by Microsoft computer and telephone network linked to the programming interface, so that programmers can use this interface through the telephone line using a variety of complex computer work. TAPI functionality can provide include: automatic dial-up to file, fax, e-mail transmission of documents access Internet or other forms of information services, organizing conference calls, use caller identification to handle calls between computers via telephone lines with each other collaboration. Some features mentioned here very early on has been widely applied, and some because of switc
    2022-05-30 21:04:56下载
  • 拨号器
    Dialer ---- Windows TAPI sample application created as an illustration of the usage of Windows TAPI-Dialer---- Windows TAPI sample application created as an illustration of the usage of Windows TAPI
    2022-08-04 10:16:53下载
  • flame1105568
    本页主要讨论电话主叫识别信息传送及显示功能的技术,并结合东进TC-08ACID卡探讨主叫识别的实现和常见错 误的解决办法。这里不讨论数字程控交换中采用局间信令传送主叫识别信息显示的内容。(telephone caller identification information transmission and display technologies, combining East and into TC-08ACID caller identification card on the achievement of the common mistakes and solutions. Figures here not to discuss the use of program- controlled exchange between the Bureau signaling transmission caller identification information that the content.)
    2006-06-09 12:18:53下载
  • tapi3.0 achieve this data procedures can be combined directshow this video.
    tapi3.0实现的数据发送程序,可以结合directshow发送视频。-tapi3.0 achieve this data procedures can be combined directshow this video.
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  • 包含ril.h文件定义,可用于手机开发参考。
    包含ril.h文件定义,可用于手机开发参考。-Ril.h document contains the definition of reference can be used for handset development.
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  • 使用TAPI开发的电话接听、挂机的源程序,请配套下载本人提供的atapi.zip一起使用...
    使用TAPI开发的电话接听、挂机的源程序,请配套下载本人提供的atapi.zip一起使用-Development of the use of TAPI phone calls, hang up the source code, please download the package provided by atapi.zip I used in conjunction with
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