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expansion Delphi IDE

于 2022-06-17 发布 文件大小:285.94 kB
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扩展Delphi的IDE --Extending the IDE中译版 原文:Delphi7官方帮助 翻译:与月共舞(master@cnvcl.org) 发布:http://www.cnvcl.org 版本:V1.0.0.0 创建:2004-06-04 更新:2004-06-12-expansion Delphi IDE-- Extending the IDE Chinese translation of the original edition : Delphi7 official help Translation : and on the dancing (master@cnvcl.org) Releases : http://www.cnvcl.org Version : V1.0.0.0 created : 2004-06-04 Update : 2004-2006-06-12



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