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Calculation of heavy oil thermal recovery after considering the exchange rate an...

于 2022-06-18 发布 文件大小:35.33 kB
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稠油热采直井吞吐净现值计算,考虑汇率以及所得税,原理是动态经济评价法,需要输入每年的产油量和注气量。-Calculation of heavy oil thermal recovery after considering the exchange rate and the income tax net present value of the vertical well stimulation, the principle is a dynamic economic evaluation method, need to enter the annual oil production and gas injection.



0 个回复

  • Hamming 神经网络从功能上来看是最小Hamming 距离分类器.利用它能够完成不完整输入信息与所存储模式的最小汉明距离分类.    Hamming 网...
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