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Used VC++ 6.0+ Ado development apart from the basic to the additions and deletio...

于 2022-06-22 发布 文件大小:1.29 MB
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采用VC++6.0 + Ado开发 除了基本的增删改之外,还有以下特色 **可以直接将照片存于数据库,不必担心因为系统路径改变导致的更改。 **支持简单查询,模糊查询和精确查询和多种排序功能。 **双击左侧列表即可进行更改,右键保存。 **系统界面美观。 屏幕分辨率:1024*768 效果最佳 有需要源代码的朋友,通过电子邮件与本人联系。 Email:linchangcheng007@163.com 进一步了解本人相关作品,请访问本人的Blog。 Blog: http://blog.csdn.net/linchangcheng007/ 花了几天时间做的东东。对于VC开发,数据库开发入门来说很不错的。-Used VC++ 6.0+ Ado development apart from the basic to the additions and deletions, there are the following features can be directly** photos stored in the database without having to worry about because the system led to changes in the path of change.** Support a simple query, fuzzy query and precise queries and a variety of sorting functions.** Double-click the list on the left you can make changes, right-preservation.** System Interface beautiful. Screen Resolution: 1024* 768 best source code need to have a friend by e-mail with my contact. Email: linchangcheng007@163.com to learn more about my work-related, please visit my Blog. Blog: http://blo



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