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This a rs232c communication software sample

于 2022-09-30 发布 文件大小:5.21 MB
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This a rs232c communication software sample



0 个回复

  • 一致的,高
    Consistent, high-quality coding standards improve software quality, reduce time-to-market, promote teamwork, eliminate time wasted on inconsequential matters, and simplify maintenance. Now, two of the world s most respected C++ experts distill the rich collective experience of the global C++ community into a set of coding standards that every developer and development team can understand and use as a basis for their own coding standards.
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  • 交通灯控制电路 一、 设计任务与要求 1.设计一个十字路口的交通灯控制电路,要求甲车道和乙车道两条交叉道路上的车辆交替 运行,每次通行时间都设为25秒; 2.要...
    交通灯控制电路 一、 设计任务与要求 1.设计一个十字路口的交通灯控制电路,要求甲车道和乙车道两条交叉道路上的车辆交替 运行,每次通行时间都设为25秒; 2.要求黄灯先亮5秒,才能变换运行车道; 3.黄灯亮时,要求每秒钟闪亮一次 。 二、实验预习要求 1.复习数字系统设计基础。 2.复习多路数据选择器、二进制同步计数器的工作原理。 3.根据交通灯控制系统框图,画出完整的电路图。-a control circuit design tasks and requirements 1. Design a crossroads of traffic lights control circuit, and requested a B lane cross-road of two lanes of traffic on the turn of operation, each time prevailing Set 25 seconds; 2. Asked yellow first-five seconds, can transform running lanes; 3. Bright yellow light, flashing a request per second. Two experimental rehearsal requirements 1. Review of digital systems design basis. 2. Review of Multiple Choice of data, binary synchronous counter to the principle. 3. According to the traffic light control system block diagram to depict the integrity of the circuit.
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