首页 » Windows开发 » MFC架构的立方体绘制,是我编写的一款关于MFC的立方绘制,适合初学者使用及资深使用者下载使用...


于 2022-10-03 发布 文件大小:934.58 kB
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MFC架构的立方体绘制,是我编写的一款关于MFC的立方绘制,适合初学者使用及资深使用者下载使用-MFC framework cube drawing, written by me draw a cube on the MFC, suitable for beginners and experienced users to download



0 个回复

  • geckopluginsdk
    2022-01-26 06:47:53下载
  • rendering translucent bitmaps and how transparent bitmap painting some slim, we...
    绘制半透明位图及如何画透明位图 有的时侯,我们希望显示一幅半透明的位图。也就是说我们将一幅位图B 显示到A位图上,又希望透过B位图看到A位图的一部分图像但不是全部。比如A位 图是一幅曲线图,B是一幅提示位图,我们想在显示提示的同时看到已显示的曲 线,但不需要曲线的背景 ,就需有用到半透明位图。曲线看上去就象从B位图中渗 透过来,其实半透明技术就是一种渗透技术,渗透公式我们可选用多种,在这里 我们选用(A AND 0x7F)OR B。注意,白色不能产生渗透。-rendering translucent bitmaps and how transparent bitmap painting some slim, we hope to show a translucent bitmaps. That is to say we will be a bit Figure B shows that the A bitmap, and they hope to see Figure B A part of the bitmap images, but not all. For example, A bitmap is a curve, B is a Bitmap suggest, we would like to suggest the show has been seen at the same time show the curve, but it does not need curve background on the need for useful to translucent bitmaps. From the curve looks like B infiltrate map, in fact technology is a translucent infiltration, infiltration formula we can use multiple, and here we choose (A AND which) OR B. Note that not produce white infiltration.
    2022-08-07 15:05:14下载
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  • C语言生成的代码在执行效率上比其它高级语言都高.现在让我们来看看C语言生成的代码具体是什么样子的.当你看完本文对于C语言的了解一定会更深一步了....
    C语言生成的代码在执行效率上比其它高级语言都高.现在让我们来看看C语言生成的代码具体是什么样子的.当你看完本文对于C语言的了解一定会更深一步了.-the runtime efficiency of c codes are higher than any other high level languages. Now let s see how the codes produced by c language are like. After finishing reading this article your understanding of c language will be deeper
    2022-03-20 22:52:55下载
  • 1.实现对二进制数据库的检索,查找,修改,增加,删除等操作; 2.实现数据库的加密,支持密码校验登陆有效防止防止数据泄漏。 3.程序启动时自动校验数据库完整性及...
    1.实现对二进制数据库的检索,查找,修改,增加,删除等操作; 2.实现数据库的加密,支持密码校验登陆有效防止防止数据泄漏。 3.程序启动时自动校验数据库完整性及其数据合法性并且自动屏蔽非法数据及提示用户删除损坏的数据库。 4.可以按归并排序方法对书目进行排序; 5.内置前台销售操作功能,可以实现图书销售的功能,并且根据销售情况实时修改数据库; 6.内置强大的异常处理机制,可以应付绝大部分异常情况。 7.程序标题栏实时显示程序状态。 对初学者很有帮助的-1. The realization of the binary database search, find, modify, add, delete and other operations 2. The realization of the database encryption, support for password check to prevent the landing effectively prevent data leakage. 3. Procedure automatically check data integrity and legitimacy of the database and automatic shield illegal data and prompts the user to delete the damaged database. 4. May merge sort method to sort the bibliography 5. Built-front sales operation, can achieve the function of book sales and, in accordance with amendments to the sale of real-time database 6. Built a powerful exception handling mechanism to cope with the vast some anomalies. 7. Program title bar in real-time status display program. Useful for beginners
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