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document literacy! ! ! ! ! ! ! Write to c!

于 2022-12-05 发布 文件大小:1.29 kB
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文件读写!!!!!!!用c写的-document literacy! ! ! ! ! ! ! Write to c!



0 个回复

  • email VC.NET source code, I use a very good shape;
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  • 是一个基于LZARI算法的数据压缩的类.Haruhiko Okumura 于1989年7月4日用c语言写实现了这个算法.但是上面用到了一些全局或静态的变量,在M...
    是一个基于LZARI算法的数据压缩的类.Haruhiko Okumura 于1989年7月4日用c语言写实现了这个算法.但是上面用到了一些全局或静态的变量,在MFC下用起来很不方便.我把它改写成了一个c++类,使它可以方便的压缩和解压缩,更重要的是,我新增加了两个接口,这个类可以压缩/解压缩一段内存缓冲区,而不仅仅是文件. 一共提供了5个对外接口: -Is a data compression algorithm based on LZARI class. Haruhiko Okumura 1989 July 4 daily c language to write algorithms to achieve this. But to use some of the above global or static variables, in the MFC under inconvenient to use them. I rewriting it into a c++ classes, so that it can easily compress and decompress, but more importantly, I added two new interfaces, this class can compress/decompress a memory buffer, rather than the file. a total of provides a five external interface:
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