首页 » Delphi VCL » 功能和DELPHI的窗体设计器相同的控件,可让你的程序在运行时设计窗体。  解压后有个FormDesigner.bpl,将它add到component中,编...

功能和DELPHI的窗体设计器相同的控件,可让你的程序在运行时设计窗体。  解压后有个FormDesigner.bpl,将它add到component中,编...

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功能和DELPHI的窗体设计器相同的控件,可让你的程序在运行时设计窗体。  解压后有个FormDesigner.bpl,将它add到component中,编译的时候,请将lib路径加上解压的目录。 或者将DesignCommon.dcu、FormDesigner.dcu、ObjectInsp.dcu、WsPopupList.dcu、ObjectInsp.dfm、WsPopupList.dfm拷贝到你的工程文件的同一个文件夹中。不过把FormDesigner.bpl add到component中是需要的。-function and form design for the same control that will allow you to the procedures in operation at design forms. After extracting FormDesigner.bpl months, it will add to the component, compile time, I would be grateful if lib with decompression path to the directory. Or will DesignCommon.dcu, FormDesigner.dcu, ObjectInsp.dcu, WsPopupList.dcu, ObjectInsp.dfm, WsPopupList.dfm copy of your project documentation with a folder. But put FormDesigner.bpl add to the component is needed.



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