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file manipulation of the source code, documents containing It is reported on the...

于 2023-01-30 发布 文件大小:8.35 kB
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  • 演示了如何用递归法遍历夹内的夹。(例子遍历了桌面夹)...
    2022-01-24 10:10:46下载
  • 定义的认知 -无线电应用与Matlab
    该报告包含无线电认知无线电和软件的基本信息。软件无线电是在这个领域,有望便于携带和在同一硬件上的新技术适应性的新兴技术。认知无线电技术利用此软件定义无线电智能地和高效率地利用可用频谱知道关于其他用户共享同一频谱的边带信息。 该报告谈到了认知无线电技术,利用频谱感知和认知无线电在我们目前的沟通方案,并实际硬件实现软件无线电的实用性进入其软件实现的细节(在Simulink和MATLAB)。This report contains basic information on Cognitive Radio and Software Defined Radio. Software Defined Radio is an emerging technique in this domain that promises easy portability and adaptability of new techniques on the same hardware. Cognitive Radio technique utilizes this Software Defined Radio to intelligently and efficiently utilize the available frequency spectrum knowing about the side information of other users sharing the same spectrum.The report talks about the Cognitive Radio technique and goes into details of its Software implementation (on Simulink and MATLAB) using Spectrum Sensing and the practicality of cognitive radio in our present scenario of communication and its actual hardware implementation on Software Defined Radio.
    2022-03-06 00:04:13下载
  • electronic wordlists of the system to achieve the target : a record recorded wor...
    电子生词本 系统实现目标: 记录单词 记录文章(作为单词的上下文,可以分析出单词) 系统分为三层结构:磁盘存储、内存管理、用户交互-electronic wordlists of the system to achieve the target : a record recorded word article (as a word in the context, can analyze words) system is divided into three-tier structure : disk storage, memory management, user interaction
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  • file attributes directly run FileAttr.exe management. Paper copies of running Fi...
    文件属性管理 直接运行FileAttr.exe。 文件的复制 运行FileCopy.exe后,选择源文件和目的文件。 汉字字模提取程序 运行GetFont.exe时,一定要将字库文件Hzk16拷贝到当前目录中。写字板 直接运行Word.exe。-file attributes directly run FileAttr.exe management. Paper copies of running FileCopy.exe, select the source and purpose of documents. Chinese Abstraction GetFont.exe running, it must document Hzk16 library copy of the current directory. Tablet Word.exe direct running.
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  • koogra 用与读Excel表,特点是速度快。
    koogra 用与读Excel表,特点是速度快。-Reading koogra using Excel sheet, characterized by speed.
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  • 捆绑器,可以把几个合并到一起来执行
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  • 资源管器通过使用 Microsoft Visual Studio C# 的复制和粘贴函数
    该代码是创建简单的文件资源管理器中使用 Microsoft Visual Studio 的 GUI。文件资源管理器使用的 Visual studio 的固有类和执行简单的文件管理操作,如复制、 粘贴、 重命名和删除功能。
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