首页 » Telnet Client » 彻底阐述telnet协议的机密!


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彻底阐述telnet协议的机密!-thoroughly explained the confidentiality agreement!



0 个回复

  • I spent a few days in time for the preparation of UNIX ANSI C TELNET client. The...
    这是我花了几天的时间编写的UNIX+ANSI C的TELNET客户端程序。是一个具备有基本功能的TELNET客户交互程序。适用于:如果对方是TELNET服务,而要用程序交互功能的。输入参数:HostName= #主机HostPort=838 #端口,无则为23LoginPrompt=Login: #TELNET登录LOGIN提示符PassPrompt=Password: #TELNET登录PASS提示符CmdPrompt=Directel> #TELNET登录CMD提示符Username=unified #TELNET用户名Password=unified #TELNET密码-I spent a few days in time for the preparation of UNIX ANSI C TELNET client. There is a basic function with the TELNET customer interaction process. Apply to : If the other side is TELNET services, and procedures for use of interactive features. Input parameters : HostName = mainframe HostPort## = 838 ports, compared with 23LoginPrompt = Login :# LOGIN TELNET login prompt PassPrompt = Password :# TELNET login prompt PASS Directel CmdPrompt =># CMD prompt TELNET Login Username = unified# TELNET Username Password = unified code# TELNET
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