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tsql md5 function, md5 is a summary algorithm can also be used for encryption, e...

于 2023-08-08 发布 文件大小:3.89 kB
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tsql md5函数,md5是一个摘要算法,也可用于加密,加密后不可反相运算-tsql md5 function, md5 is a summary algorithm can also be used for encryption, encrypted not RP-Operational



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  • 这个程序是一个学生住宿系统,基于vc++6.0开发,有着详细的数据库设计。本程序包提供完整的程序设计报告书和源代码实现。...
    这个程序是一个学生住宿系统,基于vc++6.0开发,有着详细的数据库设计。本程序包提供完整的程序设计报告书和源代码实现。-This program is a student accommodation system, based on vc++6.0 development, has a detailed database design. This package provides a complete program design report and the source code to achieve.
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    在SQL Server2008下开发的图书销售管理系统,是一个典型的进、销、存数据库系统。功能类似一个书店,库存不足提醒进货,书籍分类、卖书、图书分类等(In SQL Server2008 developed under the book sales management system, is a typical, sales, keep the database system. Function similar to a bookstore, inadequate stock alert purchase, books classification, booksellers, book classification)
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