首页 » Menu菜单 » 菜单是Windows应用程序主界面上典型的界面元素,是组织大量选项的最有效方法。快捷菜单提供当前可用命令的列表,通过工具栏也可以给用户提供访问命令的快捷方式。...


于 2023-08-30 发布 文件大小:15.25 kB
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菜单是Windows应用程序主界面上典型的界面元素,是组织大量选项的最有效方法。快捷菜单提供当前可用命令的列表,通过工具栏也可以给用户提供访问命令的快捷方式。 -menu of Windows applications on the main interface of a typical interface element is the number of options Organization of the most effective ways. Fast current menu offers a list of available commands, through the toolbar can also provide access to users in order shortcuts.



0 个回复

  • matlab编写的自适应下的simulink
    matlab编写的自适应下的simulink-Matlab Adaptive prepared under the Simulink
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  • 本程序改变以往下拉的枯燥界面,具有超炫的彩色下拉...
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  • 微信二次开发:自定义
    1、找到AppId和AppSecret。自定义菜单申请成功后,在“高级功能”-“开发模式”-“接口配置信息”的最后两项就是;2、根据AppId和AppSecret,以https get方式获取访问特殊接口所必须的凭证access_token;3、根据access_token,将json格式的菜单数据通过https post方式提交。
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  • 一个用WTL编写的按钮弹出,功能比较简,但很新颖。
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  • 一个不错的
    一个不错的菜单-a good menu
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  • 银行系统C语言小程序
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  • 1. MyCoolMenu22.zip,18KB,下载 0 次,void CMyMenu::ChangeToOwnerDraw(CMyMenu *pMyMenu...
    1. MyCoolMenu22.zip,18KB,下载 0 次,void CMyMenu::ChangeToOwnerDraw(CMyMenu *pMyMenu) { CString str //use to hold the caption temporarily CMyMenu* pMenu //use to hold the sub menu CMyMenuData* pMenuData //use to hold the menu data //get the number of the menu items of the parent menu int iMenuCount = pMyMenu->GetMenuItemCount() UINT nID //use to hold the identifier of the menu items-1. MyCoolMenu22.zip, 18KB, download 0 times, void CMyMenu:: ChangeToOwnerDraw (CMyMenu* pMyMenu) (CString str// use to hold the caption temporarily CMyMenu* pMenu// use to hold the sub menu CMyMenuData* pMenuData// use to hold the menu data// get the number of the menu items of the parent menu int iMenuCount = pMyMenu-
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  • Office 2000 style parking intelligent menu
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  • xp界面的风格,、工具栏的风格。很值得一看
    xp界面的风格,菜单、工具栏的风格。很值得一看-xp style interface, menu, toolbar style. Very interesting sites
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  • read "A beautiful painting from the menu" [Author : Zheng Heng (lbird)...
    在VCKBASE上读到《一种漂亮的自绘菜单》 [作者:郑恒 (lbird)]。应用到我的工程里后发现:文章中提到的效果能很好的实现。但是有一点不方便:需要映射 WM_DRAWITEM 和 WM_MEASUREITEM 消息才能实现自画功能。这对于一个基于对话框的工程或者仅仅需要弹出式菜单的工程来说很不方便-read "A beautiful painting from the menu" [Author : Zheng Heng (lbird)]. I applied to the project Lane found : The article referred to the good results can be achieved. But what is inconvenient : the need for mapping and WM_MEASUREITEM WM_DRAWITEM news can be achieved self-portrait function. This is a dialog based on the works or just need to pop-up menu, the works inconvenient
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