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AINSDO.C ---- Asynchronous Mode to wait call in, synchronous mode do vioce processing -AINSDO.C---- Asynchronous Mode to wait call in, synchronous mode do vioce processing



0 个回复

  • Internet programming
    2022-04-09 16:18:54下载
  • PPC_sms
    自己写的短信收发。实现短信接收发送,ActiveSync + PPC实现。区别于以前的AT指令。代码超简单,只要配置好就能运行。之前用nokia7610通过串口AT指令只能发送短信,调了几天都没能读出短信(nokia不支持)。一气之下另起炉灶,没想到Windows Mobile的sdk那么好用,三分钟就搞定了。(PUD码啊,手机中心号码啊什么的都不需要了,爽!)(Write their own text messaging. Receive SMS sent to achieve, ActiveSync+ PPC implementation. Different from the previous AT command. Code super simple, just configured to run. Prior to AT commands through the serial port using nokia7610 can only send text messages, transfer a few days did not actually read text messages (nokia does not support). Angrily reinvent the wheel, the sdk did not think so easy to use Windows Mobile, three minutes to get. (PUD code, ah, ah, what mobile center numbers do not need, and cool!))
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  • 快速排序法C语言
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  • calculators
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  • O3lidar
    说明:  处理激光雷达数据,计算臭氧的程序。学大气学和激光雷达的人明白。(Processing of laser radar data to calculate the ozone process. Study atmospheric science and laser radar understand.)
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  • VCdiary
    一个基于对话框的日记本小程序。以前在VC知识库中找基于对话框的序列化存储的程序一直没有找到,就自己做了一个。用到了链表和序列化,在对话框中使用工具栏,希望对大家有所帮助。首先,定义一个自己的结构体类,用来存储将要保存的信息。(a dialog based on the diary of the small procedures. In the past, VC knowledge base based on the dialog box to find the sequence of stored procedure has not been found, it had become one. Listless and used in the sequence, in the dialog box using the tool column, we hope to help. First, a definition of the structure type, will be used to store the information stored.)
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  • C# 开发的异步多线程服务器程序源代码。
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