首页 » C# » 对PL/0作以下修改扩充: (1)课内上机作业(考试前交报告): 增加单词:保留字 ELSE,FOR,TO, DOWNTO 运算符 +=,...

对PL/0作以下修改扩充: (1)课内上机作业(考试前交报告): 增加单词:保留字 ELSE,FOR,TO, DOWNTO 运算符 +=,...

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对PL/0作以下修改扩充: (1)课内上机作业(考试前交报告): 增加单词:保留字 ELSE,FOR,TO, DOWNTO 运算符 +=,-=,++,-- 修改单词:不等号# 改为 增加条件语句的ELSE子句 -right PL/0 expansion for the following modifications : (1) the reverse on the plane operations (examination reports) : Increased words : reserved words ELSE, FOR, TO, DOWNTO Operators =,-=,,-- changes the words : re# sign of inequality



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