

于 2008-03-27 发布 文件大小:482KB
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  基于MATLAB7.0软件的实时数据交换的实现(MATLAB7.0 software-based real-time data exchange to achieve)



0 个回复

  • P863E
    P.863标准(POLQA),语音质量的客观评测标准,是对P.862标准(PESQ)的升级,适应范围更广,评价结果更接近主观的MOS。(P.863 Standards (POLQA), objective voice quality uation standard is the standard P.862 (PESQ) upgrade, adapt a wider range of uation results closer to the subjective MOS.)
    2015-03-11 12:15:12下载
  • GMM
    matlab 实现的基于GMM的说话人识别系统(matlab implementation of the GMM-based speaker recognition system)
    2011-11-28 14:46:38下载
  • Demo2_UART_1017
    凌阳SPCE06的语音通信代码,利用了双缓冲队列,是学习的好例子,希望很大家一起分享(Sunplus SPCE06 voice communications code, the use of the double-buffer queue, is a good example of learning, hope to share with everyone)
    2007-03-25 00:30:02下载
  • main
    用于语音信号,心音信号基于SVM的MATLAB识别(Recognition of Speech Signal and Heart Sound Signal Based on SVM)
    2017-05-16 11:06:33下载
  • HLMSSmatlaabe
    这 里主要对LMS算法及一些改进的LMS算法(NLMS算法、变步长LMS算法、变换域LMS算法)之间的不同点进行了比较,,在传统的LMS算法的基础上发 展了LMS算法的应用。另一方面又从RLS算法的分析析中对其与LMS算法的不同特性进行了比较。 (Here the main difference between the LMS algorithm and improved LMS algorithm (NLMS algorithm, variable step size LMS algorithm, the transform domain LMS algorithm) comparison, the traditional LMS algorithm based on the development of the application of the LMS algorithm . On the other hand and from its different characteristics of the LMS algorithm of the analytical analysis of the RLS algorithm.)
    2012-07-26 11:43:36下载
  • 123
     介绍了一种针对语音增值服务开发的智能语音终端,该终端以EM78806A单片机为核心研发,借助公共电话网络,实 现了电话与局端语音信箱中心的通信与智能化控制。文中主要对智能语音终端的硬件结构、工作原理及程序设计方法进行 了论述。(Introduce a value-added voice services for the development of intelligent voice terminal, the terminal to EM78806A Singlechip as the core research and development, through the public telephone network, the realization of a telephone central office voice mail with the Center for Communications and intelligent control. The main text of the intelligent voice terminal hardware structure, working principle and procedure of design methods are discussed.)
    2008-05-05 22:11:58下载
  • second
    男女声识别程序,中科院数字信号处理第二次作业,分辨率百分之90 以上,带GUI,在前人基础上修改,保证能用,不能用联系我(Male and female vocal recognition program, digital signal processing operations of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, resolution of more than 90 , with a GUI, modify their predecessors on the basis of guaranteed to not use)
    2013-01-10 15:50:23下载
  • hmm
    对 隐马尔科夫工具包的使用及安装进行说明,主要是在matlab下运用
    2010-01-10 12:11:10下载
  • programme
    一个LMS自适应信号增强。输入信号是一个正弦 波将白噪声。 详细介绍了程序源代码(An LMS adaptive signal enhancement. The input signal is a sine wave with added white noise. The detailed description is in the program source code)
    2010-05-17 16:27:14下载
  • Speeching
    端点检测算法采用现阶段比较精确的时频方差检测法,模式识别和模板匹配采用的是改进后的DTW算法(主要是限定了DTW的搜索路径,进一步精确了DTW的平行四边形的形状,进一步的减少匹配中的参数存贮量以及多余的搜索路径)。(Endpoint detection algorithm uses more precise at this stage variance time-frequency detection, pattern recognition and template matching is based on the improved DTW algorithm (DTW is mainly limited to the search path, and further precision of the DTW parallelogram shape, and further reduction of matching the parameters in the storage volume as well as the extra search path).)
    2008-04-25 14:46:57下载
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