首页 » Visual C++ » GPIBUtility


于 2009-09-11 发布 文件大小:3879KB
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  GPIButility是ADLINK公司的GPIB驱动所带的工具软件,可以自动获得所有GPIB设备信息并可作相应的各项参数设置。(ADLINK' s GPIButility is brought GPIB driver software tool that can automatically access to all GPIB device information and can set the parameters accordingly.)


GPIB Utility

............\.....\GPIB Utility.bsc
............\.....\GPIB Utility.exe
............\.....\GPIB Utility.ilk
............\.....\GPIB Utility.obj
............\.....\GPIB Utility.pch
............\.....\GPIB Utility.pdb
............\.....\GPIB Utility.res
............\.....\GPIB Utility.sbr
............\.....\GPIB UtilityDoc.obj
............\.....\GPIB UtilityDoc.sbr
............\.....\GPIB UtilityView.obj
............\.....\GPIB UtilityView.sbr
............\GPIB Utility.aps
............\GPIB Utility.clw
............\GPIB Utility.cpp
............\GPIB Utility.dsp
............\GPIB Utility.dsw
............\GPIB Utility.h
............\GPIB Utility.ncb
............\GPIB Utility.opt
............\GPIB Utility.plg
............\GPIB Utility.rc
............\GPIB UtilityDoc.cpp
............\GPIB UtilityDoc.h
............\GPIB UtilityView.cpp
............\GPIB UtilityView.h


............\...\GPIB Utility.rc2




0 个回复

  • complement_filter
    互补滤波算法解析,利用加速度计和陀螺仪采集的数据,通过互补滤波算法实现对姿态的解算。(Complementary filtering algorithm analysis, the use of accelerometers and gyroscopes data collected through the complementary filter algorithm for solving attitude.)
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  • CSharp
    计算器最简单的功能能调用winxp计算器(The simplest function calculator)
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  • file_manage_system_VB
    一个兼具有excel一样的多文档功能,同时具有word的文档编辑和格式编辑功能(One and the same with excel multiple document features, but also has word document editing and formatting editing functions)
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  • bad
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  • ExcelOperate11
    vc读写excel,这个是用mfc写的,基于对话框的小程序(Vc u8BFB u5199excel)
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  • tongxun
    在vc++6.0程序下,编写的一款具有添加,查找,删除成员信息功能的程序(Write a vc++6.0 program has to add, find, remove members program)
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  • search-the-number
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  • jisuanqichengxu
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