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  《MATLAB及其在理工课程中的应用指南》书上的程序集(" MATLAB and its Application of Science and Technology curriculum guide" book on the assembly)



0 个回复

  • filterbank_for_speech_signal
    A speech signal filterbank, using melscale frequency and framebanking.( 1. For speech signal can be represented as a discrete sequence of frames (or feature vectors) that can be used as the input to a speech recogniser. Important ideas and techniques that are used in the assignment are the design of a (Mel frequency scale) audio filterbank, , windowing of a continuous audio signal, spectrum analysis of the signal, filtering as multiplication in the frequency domain, the visual representation of a speech signal as a spectrogram, appreciation of the acoustic variability in real speech utterances. 2. To gain a deeper knowledge of the application of MATLAB programming to audio signal processing. 3. To gain practice in the art of writing a formal report: structure, content, style, use of diagrams, presentation etc. etc. )
    2010-11-19 21:11:01下载
  • kuopintiaozhi
    扩频调制模块设计及仿真(包括仿真参数设置及调制模块分析)(the design and simulation of spread spectrum modulation (including parameters and analysis))
    2012-03-22 21:57:20下载
  • Daubechieswavelet
    此程序实现构造Daubechies小波基(this program structure Daubechies wavelet)
    2007-03-26 13:28:38下载
  • Power-System
    Herewith i attached the matlab codes for Contingency analysis, Economic dispatch,Pv curve,Swing Curve, Ybus Inspection method and Zbus. I hope these are very useful.
    2012-02-27 16:08:31下载
  • main
    这个代码实现了白噪声下的不同的调制和解调的性能比较(This code implements a different white noise under the Performance Comparison of modulation and demodulation。)
    2010-06-17 15:30:53下载
  • MyGui.m
    This GUI will show normal,Rayleigh and rice distribution with the law of large number. It has an easy to understand interface and few parameters.
    2009-11-25 16:17:15下载
  • videotime
    用matlab打开视频,并测试处理30帧图像需要的时间(Using matlab to open the video, and test the processing time of 30 images)
    2012-06-18 16:24:47下载
  • ywdeqruq
    仿真效率很高的,有详细的注释,相控阵天线的方向图(切比雪夫加权),是路径规划的实用方法,脉冲响应的相关分析算法并检验。( High simulation efficiency, There are detailed notes, Phased array antenna pattern (Chebyshev weights), Is a practical method of path planning, Related impulse response analysis algorithm and inspection.)
    2016-03-23 00:29:18下载
  • co2nsliq
    我自己流体代换源码,从co2置换到液体。(I own substitution fluid source, the liquid from the co2 replacement.)
    2010-08-18 11:16:29下载
  • adaptivewaveletthresholding
    贝叶斯阈值方法实现图像去噪,对文献Chang.adaptive wavelet thresholding for image denoising and compression仿真结果。(Bayesian threshold method of image denoising。)
    2021-03-29 17:19:10下载
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