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  MATLAB6.0数学手册pdf版本,可方便查找matlab的常用数学函数,并针对各函数都有详细的例子(MATLAB6.0 Mathematical Manual pdf version of the matlab can easily find a common mathematical functions, and for each function are detailed examples of)



0 个回复

  • readRigolWaveform
    Read Oscilloscope waveform file
    2013-03-14 17:20:46下载
  • saturday
    自己编写的有详细注释的lms算法。 并且调试已经通过,结果还不错(I have written a detailed annotated LMS algorithm. And debugging has been passed, the result was not bad)
    2007-10-02 20:26:13下载
  • filterbank_for_speech_signal
    A speech signal filterbank, using melscale frequency and framebanking.( 1. For speech signal can be represented as a discrete sequence of frames (or feature vectors) that can be used as the input to a speech recogniser. Important ideas and techniques that are used in the assignment are the design of a (Mel frequency scale) audio filterbank, , windowing of a continuous audio signal, spectrum analysis of the signal, filtering as multiplication in the frequency domain, the visual representation of a speech signal as a spectrogram, appreciation of the acoustic variability in real speech utterances. 2. To gain a deeper knowledge of the application of MATLAB programming to audio signal processing. 3. To gain practice in the art of writing a formal report: structure, content, style, use of diagrams, presentation etc. etc. )
    2010-11-19 21:11:01下载
  • tobit_gibbs_000
    Exercise 14.9 : A Tobit Model with Two-Sided Censoring: Female Labor Supply The Labor Supply Data Set MATLAB Code for Fitting the Labor Supply Model
    2011-01-13 15:27:30下载
  • BPSK
    uncoded bpsk ber vs snr waterfall
    2010-05-17 10:41:09下载
  • neural-network-solving-tsp
    神经网络解决旅行商问题,讨论了矩阵大小对算法稳定性的影响。土木工程领域中,常用于进行结构参数识别等。(Neural network to solve the traveling salesman problem, discussed the impact of the size of the matrix algorithm stability. The field of civil engineering, structural parameters commonly used in identification.)
    2013-12-22 10:12:07下载
  • diwuzhang
    matlab课件很有用的,对matlab学习很有帮助,希望采纳谢谢(it s very useful)
    2014-01-24 11:02:55下载
  • clipleftmargin
    this seperates the margin of given document
    2010-08-18 15:20:29下载
  • casesource1
    STATCOM仿真中的电源,负载,pq法和IPIQ法检测无功电流的仿真例程,自己毕业设计的部分仿真,SVG桥的驱动电路还没有弄。(STATCOM simulation of power supply, load, pq method and IPIQ detected reactive current simulation routines, some of his graduate design simulation, SVG bridge driver circuit not get.)
    2011-11-29 21:21:55下载
  • Fourier_series_demo
    matlab傅里叶级数的代码,注意不是傅里叶变换(Fourier series code, note that not Fourier transform)
    2013-05-07 06:17:07下载
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