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于 2009-06-02 发布 文件大小:30KB
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  多线程socket文件传输/支持断点续传/收发消息/点对多点 使用阻塞方式的socket,使用多线程,有较高的性能. 在局域网中测试达到极限速度. 支持断点续传. 服务端可同时接收多个文件. 传输文件的同时可以发送网络消息(Multi-threaded socket file transfer/support HTTP/send and receive information/point-to-multipoint mode of using blocking socket, the use of multi-threaded, high performance. In the local area network speed test reached its limit. Support HTTP . server can receive multiple files at the same time. transfer files can be sent at the same time the network news)



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  • fjqspgl
    说明:  漂亮,美丽的风景区售票系统,代码完整,无误,功能全部可以实现。(Beautiful, beautiful scenic areas ticketing system, code complete, accurate, all functions can be achieved.)
    2010-03-29 17:49:57下载
  • CPPkeyword
    C++标准库,C++ Standard Library,是类库和函数的集合,其使用核心语言写成,由c++标准委员会制定,并不断维护更新。(The C++ standard library, C++ Standard Library, is a set of class libraries and function, the use of the core language, developed by the c++ Standards Committee, and continue to maintain and update.)
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  • AISDecode
    AIS数据解析,c#,c++,Java解析AIS数据动态库(AIS data analysisC#,c++,Java parsing AIS data dynamic library)
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    Delphi格式化磁盘源码,有三个选项:快速格式化、完全格式化、仅复制系统文件,可以制作软件启动引导盘(Delphi formatted disk source, there are three options: quick format, fully formatted, only copy the system files, you can create software boot disk)
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  • cbuilder
    站长95年时想写的模拟Delphi界面的生成C语言界面的一个程序,名字就叫CBuilder,那时C++Builder还没有呢( Stationmaster when 95 years wants to write simulation Delphi a contact surface production C language contact surface procedure, the name is called CBuilder, at that time C Builder not to have )
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    Delphi编写的绘图程序源码,可以绘制各种图形并且改变颜色。(Drawing program written in Delphi source code, you can draw all kinds of graphics and change the color.)
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  • tugas-basisdata
    Largest 100M, the name should less 40 bytes long and should be English. Only support .rar,.zip,.gz files Directory: 选毡碌姆讇锟� Java Books SourceCode/Document E-Books Visual C++ Books Java Books Delphi-C++Builder software engineering Certification book Other Books Document [Expand all] [Recomment to add directory] (Important) Why your files are not be used? 1.The content is too simple 2.Is not a sourcecode or document 3.lost some files 4.Description is not detailed or not correct 5.Compressed file has password 6.Sourcecode duplicate or already e
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  • AISDecode
    AIS解码例程和文档,包括经纬度,基站信息解码,校验判断,例程里主要解析了1,2,3,4,5,18,19,24号协议,另外的可以自行添加,dll采用vc6编写,有个调用的例子采用delphi7编写(AIS decoding routines and documentation, including latitude and longitude, the base station information decoding, parity judgment, the routine in the main analytical No. 1,2,3,4,5,18,19,24 agreement, the other can add their own, dll use vc6 write, there is a call to write examples using delphi7)
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  • 21834_1243008935YLCl
    多线程socket文件传输/支持断点续传/收发消息/点对多点 使用阻塞方式的socket,使用多线程,有较高的性能. 在局域网中测试达到极限速度. 支持断点续传. 服务端可同时接收多个文件. 传输文件的同时可以发送网络消息(Multi-threaded socket file transfer/support HTTP/send and receive information/point-to-multipoint mode of using blocking socket, the use of multi-threaded, high performance. In the local area network speed test reached its limit. Support HTTP . server can receive multiple files at the same time. transfer files can be sent at the same time the network news)
    2009-06-02 14:54:59下载
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