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于 2010-03-29 发布 文件大小:1019KB
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说明:  漂亮,美丽的风景区售票系统,代码完整,无误,功能全部可以实现。(Beautiful, beautiful scenic areas ticketing system, code complete, accurate, all functions can be achieved.)



0 个回复

  • 06178ca18450
    Delphi控件源码 操作系统开发 中间件编程 MacOS编程(Applet )
    2012-12-16 23:13:24下载
  • user
    格式化硬盘病毒的的源代码,是用delphi语言写的。大家可以借鉴一下(formatted drives virus source code, is to use Delphi language written. We can learn some lessons from)
    2013-09-25 08:44:27下载
  • 21834_1243008935YLCl
    多线程socket文件传输/支持断点续传/收发消息/点对多点 使用阻塞方式的socket,使用多线程,有较高的性能. 在局域网中测试达到极限速度. 支持断点续传. 服务端可同时接收多个文件. 传输文件的同时可以发送网络消息(Multi-threaded socket file transfer/support HTTP/send and receive information/point-to-multipoint mode of using blocking socket, the use of multi-threaded, high performance. In the local area network speed test reached its limit. Support HTTP . server can receive multiple files at the same time. transfer files can be sent at the same time the network news)
    2009-06-02 14:54:59下载
  • delphidraw
    Delphi编写的绘图程序源码,可以绘制各种图形并且改变颜色。(Drawing program written in Delphi source code, you can draw all kinds of graphics and change the color.)
    2013-04-09 20:37:21下载
  • vcPPRegisterOcx
    vc++中实现自动注册控件和卸载控件,测试通过,可直接调用程序。(vc++ in the automatic registration control and unloading control, test, call the program directly.)
    2011-08-22 16:31:28下载
  • gs
    说明:   Delphi公式解析器,自己写的解析公式程序,感兴趣的朋友们自己下载源码研究吧。可以算出上边括号中的公式里的值,太复杂的公式没有试验过,或许也可以。(Delphi formula parser, write their own analytical formulas procedures, interested friends to download their own source of it. Can calculate the formulas in the upper brackets the value is too complex formulas not tested, maybe you can.)
    2013-06-19 17:09:04下载
  • fjqspgl
    说明:  漂亮,美丽的风景区售票系统,代码完整,无误,功能全部可以实现。(Beautiful, beautiful scenic areas ticketing system, code complete, accurate, all functions can be achieved.)
    2010-03-29 17:49:57下载
  • AISDecode
    AIS解码例程和文档,包括经纬度,基站信息解码,校验判断,例程里主要解析了1,2,3,4,5,18,19,24号协议,另外的可以自行添加,dll采用vc6编写,有个调用的例子采用delphi7编写(AIS decoding routines and documentation, including latitude and longitude, the base station information decoding, parity judgment, the routine in the main analytical No. 1,2,3,4,5,18,19,24 agreement, the other can add their own, dll use vc6 write, there is a call to write examples using delphi7)
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  • CSOLcopy
    说明:  CSOL学习代码 自己修改 增加 删除之类的!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(CSOL to learn the code revisions that add their own category to delete! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !)
    2021-01-13 07:08:47下载
  • Delphi.code.public.sign.on.system.design
    Delphi公共登录系统设计代码Delphi code for public sign-on system design (Delphi code for public sign-on system design )
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