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于 2011-01-22 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  多项式求值的四种算法的运行时间复杂度的比较。将四个算法在一个程序中实现,并在一个运行结果图中比较显示。(Value of the four algorithms polynomial time complexity of running the comparison. Four algorithms will be implemented in a program and run the results in a comparison chart display.)



0 个回复

  • LevelSet_ChunmingLi_v0
    This Matlab code implements an edge based geometric active contour model without reinitialization. MATLAB Release: R13SP1 This Matlab code implements the level set method in Chunming Li et al s paper "Level Set Evolution without Re-initialization: A New Variational Formulation", in IEEE Proc. of CVPR 2005. EVOLUTION.m: core function that performs level set evolution. Demo1.m: a demo for a real cell images Demo2.m: a demo for a synthetic noisy image Demo1_ManualBinaryInitial: demo for the same image in Demo1, allows manual initialization by the user Demo2_ManualBinaryInitial: demo for the same image in Demo2, allows manual initialization by the user
    2007-08-21 21:16:18下载
  • PCMclusteringforMATLAB
    FCM聚类算法的MATLAB实现,还有一些聚类算法的matlab其他实现方法。(FCM clustering algorithm of MATLAB realize, there are some clustering algorithm matlab realize other methods.)
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  • SC
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