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于 2010-03-26 发布 文件大小:447KB
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说明:  写一个程序,用户依照流行歌曲的人气调查表,将相关数据输入到计算机文件中,计算机按照人气指数将排名前十位的歌曲信息显示并存储到文件中。(Write a program, the user in accordance with the popularity of pop music questionnaire, data will be entered into the computer files, the computer will be ranked according to popularity index of the top ten song information display and store the file.)



0 个回复

  • antenna-pattern1
    采用口面积分的方法来计算天线方向图,天线设计常用(Orifice area divided by the method to calculate the antenna pattern, antenna design used)
    2011-05-09 20:37:32下载
  • Quantum-genetic-algorithms--optimal
    matlab量子遗传算法求最优,其适应度函数可以根据自身实际情况编写求适应度值最高的最优解。(Quantum genetic algorithms for optimal matlab)
    2014-12-23 12:55:50下载
  • IIRlunwencailiao
    IIR滤波器的设计方法,以及所有论文资料,谢谢下载,支持网站发展(IIR filter design methods and information of all papers, thank you download support site development)
    2010-05-18 16:15:01下载
  • LMEPPC071208.CAB
    说明:  PPC上面类似Matlab的语言环境,希望有pda的同学们喜欢(PPC above language similar to Matlab environment, and hope to have the students like pda)
    2009-08-03 00:27:06下载
  • cpplapack-2005_03_25.tar
    lapack的c++版本之一.lapack是imsl,mkl,matlab等大部分数值计算的使用者.最早是for77的,后来出现c++,java等的.(lapack one of the c version. Lapack is imsl, mkl. Matlab, and most numerical calculation users. The first was for77, subsequently c, java and so on.)
    2007-01-12 04:40:19下载
  • hechengkongjing
    此为一个合成孔径雷达的MATLAB仿真程序。(Synthetic aperture radar MATLAB simulation program.)
    2013-09-06 17:46:44下载
  • 29782171sar
    关于MTALAB的Forst滤波程序主体以及SAR图像的处理(Forst of MTALAB filter on the main program as well as the SAR image processing)
    2009-05-01 20:12:18下载
  • malat
    基于MFC编写的界面,用VC与matlab混编实现马拉特小波分解,有文档注释,适合初学者( MFC-based interface prepared by VC and matlab mixed to achieve Marat wavelet decomposition, documentation notes, suitable for beginners)
    2013-12-05 09:40:36下载
  • qdqdh
    抢答器的实现功能的仿真,使用MATLAB进行仿真运行(Responder achieve functional simulation using MATLAB simulation run)
    2013-12-17 20:43:47下载
  • homer
    HOMER(Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewable,可再生能源互补发电优化建模)。HOMER是一个计算机模型,它简化了离网和并网对于远程的、独立的和分布式发电系统的评估选择的任务。HOMER优化和灵敏度分析算法,可以用来评估系统的经济性和技术选择的可行性,以及考虑技术成本的变化和能源资源的可用性。(HOMER (Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewable, renewable energy and solar power generation optimization modeling). HOMER is a computer model that simplifies the task of off-grid and grid for remote, stand-alone and distributed generation systems to assess choice. HOMER optimization and sensitivity analysis algorithms can be used to select the feasibility of economic and technical assessment of the system, and to consider changes in the availability of technology costs and energy resources.)
    2020-10-03 15:37:41下载
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