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于 2021-03-04 发布 文件大小:2941KB
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  用于产生轨道角动量OAM的示意图和场强图(this code can generate the plot of orbital angular momentum)





0 个回复

  • imx28-eukrea-mbmx28lc
    Driver for CDC MBIM Mobile Broadband modems.
    2015-05-07 13:49:46下载
  • underwater-localization
    水下被动定位论文,用于对水下节点进行定位,能够实现水下节点的定位功能(the paper of underwater wireless sensor network localization)
    2014-06-27 11:17:00下载
  • MountainTopSTAP
    这是我毕业设计涉及的一部分,基于MountainTop数据的STAP算法仿真,该MountainTop数据可以在网上下载(This is part of my graduation design, based on MountainTop data STAP algorithm simulation, the data can be downloaded the Internet)
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  • oa_test
    该项目为一个OA系统的例子,采用jquery,struts2,spring,hibernate,供大家学习参考。(The project is an example of the OA system, using jquery struts2, spring, hibernate, for a reference.)
    2012-07-03 20:26:52下载
  • Boolean-Networks
    A Book Analysis and Control of Boolean Networks:A Semi-tensor Product Approach ( Analysis and Control of Boolean Networks presents a systematic new approach to the investigation of Boolean control networks. The fundamental tool in this approach is a novel matrix product called the semi-tensor product (STP). Using the STP, a logical function can be expressed as a conventional discrete-time linear system. In the light of this linear expression, certain major issues concerning Boolean network topology- fixed points, cycles, transient times and basins of attractors- can be easily revealed by a set of formulae. This framework renders the state-space approach to dynamic coCheng, Daizhan Qi, Hongsheng Li, Zhiqiang)
    2016-12-05 13:07:59下载
  • 协同OA网络办公
    说明:  1.在浏览器里面 http://访问您的网址/install 将解压后的文件及文件夹上传到你要安装的位置,如果是*nix服务器,将/data、/cache 、config.php权限设置为777,然后打开网址 访问网址 http://访问您的网址/ 设置好安装的系统信息和管理员账号密码,安装完登录即可 2.更新菜单 进入OA软件,系统设置 > 菜单管理,拉到最下方,点提交,然后刷新浏览器!(1. in the browser http:// access your URL /install Upload the decompressed files and folders to the location you want to install. If it's the *nix server, set the /data, /cache and config.php permissions to 777, then open the URLs. Access to the web site http:// to access your URL / set the installed system information and the administrator account password, after the installation of the login 2. update menu Access to OA software, system Settings > menu management, pull to the bottom, point submission, and then refresh the browser!)
    2020-11-12 16:39:43下载
  • GNT08.1.2
    gps导航工具包,可用于分析GPS误差,伪距及导航融合算法(This report include the review of • Principle of Radio Navigation: navigation base on trilateration has been investigated and the over determined Eq. for navigation has been solved. • GPS Ephemeris Data: for GPS navigation, the position of GPS satellite is very important so the by receiving ephemeris data the position of the satellite is determined. • GPS Errors: Three different sources of errors in GPS navigation has been investigated (Ionosphere, Troposphere and Satellite clock). Ionospheric Error model is generated base on Parkinson [1] and the Tropospheric Error Model based on Hopfiel model [2]. • Simulation & GPS Toolbox: One of the targets of this work is generating Matlab GPS Toolbox and in one case study the performance of generated toolbox will be verified.)
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    This is the simulink model for DTC of induction motor.
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    LTE CRC校验码 MATLAB仿真 上行共享信道编解码 仿真方案(LTE CRC checksum MATLAB simulation)
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  • aaaa
    把地理区域分成一个个小区,蜂窝系统在该区域内提供无线覆盖。把可用的频谱分成很多信道,每个小区分配一组信道。使用频分双工(FDD)。在小区间进行频率利用,N个小区构成一个簇,簇间进行频率复用。定义了传播特性(信道参数)以及同频小区的位置。信道的参数包括:小区半径,路径损耗指数,以分贝为单位的对数正态阴影的标准差,基站发射功率级,移动台发射功率级,每个小区的扇区数,扇区化天线的正反向比,要仿真的瞬时位置的组数,同频干扰阈值。(To a geographical area is divided into small areas, cellular systems in the region to provide wireless coverage. The available spectrum is divided into multi-channel, each plot the distribution of a group of channels. The use of frequency division duplex (FDD). In the district between the frequency of use, N plots constitute a cluster, cluster between frequency reuse. The definition of the propagation characteristics (channel parameters), as well as with the frequency of residential location. Channel parameters include: cell radius, path loss index to decibels for units Lognormal shadow of the standard deviation, the base station transmitter power level, mobile station transmitting power level, the number of sectors in each district, sector of the antenna the pros and cons to the ratio, to the transient simulation of the group a few positions, the same frequency interference threshold.)
    2009-01-08 19:02:48下载
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