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于 2016-02-25 发布 文件大小:39KB
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  【程序主要功能】 = 1、界面美观,首页采JS调用并可控制显示的条数和字数 = 2、更多首页更新公告分页显示 = 3、可方便删除、修改公告标题和内容 = 4、可随时修改管理员帐号密码及网站信息资料 = 5、公告内容支持基本的UBB功能,URL自动过滤显示,可插入图片(The main function of the program [] = 1, beautiful interface, Home Mining JS call can control the display and the number of words = 2, more Home page display update bulletin = 3, can be easily delete, modify the title and content announcement = 4, you can modify the administrator account password and website information at any time = 5, UBB announcement supports basic functions, URL automatically filter the display, you can insert pictures)






0 个回复

  • Chinese-version-of-VB6-Programmer
    本材料是Visual Basic 6.0 中文版程序员指南,有兴趣的可以下载看看(This material is the Chinese version of Visual Basic 6.0 Programmer' s Guide, are interested can download to see)
    2014-04-23 23:19:03下载
  • cbbrr1zipl
    经典拍卖网,提供注册,登陆,买卖,,免费开店等功能,还能发布求购信息. (Classic auction site, to provide registration, landing, sale, free shop and other functions, but also ad information.)
    2012-08-12 01:21:33下载
  • vb_温湿度_Access
    说明:  100% 可以运行的温湿度显示软件,数据保存在数据库之间的通信 串口通信(100% operational temperature and humidity display software, data stored in the database communication serial port)
    2020-06-18 06:20:01下载
  • Analogmeter
    模拟电表软件,主要模拟电表数据、遥测数据、参数修改、报文显示、可以模拟2个电表(可以自行修改增加),最终通过RS232转485输出。。。(Analog meter software, the main analog meter data, telemetry data, parameter modification, message displays, you can simulate two meters (which can be modified to increase its own), the final output through the RS232 switch 485. . .)
    2021-04-12 22:48:56下载
  • xycms
    企业网站包括企业中心 新闻中心 产品展示 人才招聘 会员中心 在线留言等(Business center corporate website including News Products Jobs Member Feedback, etc.)
    2011-06-22 14:07:50下载
  • fzxsjt_12434
    百度贴吧WAP签到器百度贴吧WAP签到器(Baidu Post Bar, Baidu Post Bar WAP WAP sign is the sign is)
    2014-01-08 08:46:34下载
  • Fish-tank-system
    该项目首先是利用单片机对鱼缸的温度进行智能控制。首先通过外部按键对鱼缸所需温度进行设定。温度传感器 DS18B20 采集温度信息在外围的 LCD 上显示出来。其次是利用光电耦合器判断有无鱼饵,若无鱼饵,发出提示,若有鱼饵,则执行自动投食或手动投食功能。(The project first is the use of single-chip microcomputer to control the temperature of the fish tank. First, the temperature of the fish tank is set by the external button. The temperature sensor DS18B20 collects the temperature information to display on the periphery LCD. Followed by using photoelectric coupler to determine whether the bait, if there is no bait, alert, if there is a bait, automatic throw in and throw food or manually cast and functional food.)
    2016-04-09 10:53:50下载
  • zhaopinqiuzhi-asp
    全功能无限制。 后台登录mgr/login.asp 高级管理员websoa密码webs-oa.com 管理员admin密码admin 信息录入员hx密码hx888
    2013-07-26 08:38:25下载
  • df
    这个程序是由关礼物的,挺好的,很实用,省的自己算不过来(this program is about gift)
    2014-02-27 09:42:20下载
  • chengxu
    51单片机 做一个简易的存储示波器的程序清单(51 single-chip storage oscilloscope with a simple list of procedures)
    2013-05-26 10:31:54下载
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