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Scratch test

于 2018-01-11 发布 文件大小:231KB
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  Haclon的源码,适用于金属表面的划痕检测(Haclon source code, suitable for metal surface scratch detection)



0 个回复

  • DensePose-master
    说明:  DensePose用深度学习把2D图像坐标映射到3D人体表面上,再加上以每秒多帧的速度处理密集坐标,最后实现动态人物的精确定位和姿态估计。该技术集目标检测、姿态估计、目标部分/实例分割等多种计算机视觉任务于一身的一个综合问题。(DensePost maps 2D image coordinates to 3D human body surface by in-depth learning, and processes dense coordinates at the speed of multiple frames per second. Finally, it realizes precise positioning and attitude estimation of dynamic characters. This technology integrates many kinds of computer vision tasks, such as target detection, attitude estimation, target part/instance segmentation, etc.)
    2019-06-17 21:25:31下载
  • main
    说明:  以稀疏基有离散余弦变换基(DCT)和快速傅立叶变换基(FFT)做为稀疏基,高斯随机矩阵、部分哈达玛矩阵为测量矩阵,L1范数、正交匹配追踪算法(OMP)为重建算法进行压缩感知算法实现。 以f = cos(2*pi/256*t) + sin(2*pi/128*t)做为原信号,取原信号f的20%做为输入进行压缩感知重建。(The sparse basis includes discrete cosine transform (DCT) and fast Fourier transform (FFT) as sparse basis, Gaussian random matrix and partial Hadamard matrix as measurement matrix, L1 norm and orthogonal matching pursuit algorithm (OMP) as reconstruction algorithm. In this paper, the reconstructed signal is reconstructed by using the original sensing signal (sinf * t) as the original input signal (i.e. sinf * t * 2) + 2 * s * t * as the input signal.)
    2020-12-17 22:00:23下载
  • siftDemoV4
    lowe论文的sift算法的MATLAB源代码(MATLAB source code of sift algorithm for lowe paper)
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  • filter_base
    说明:  平滑滤波,空域滤波与变换域滤波比较,从中说明其中原理(The principle of smoothing filtering is explained by comparing spatial filtering with transform domain filtering)
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  • fl_chart-master
    说明:  在我们的移动端开发中,需要用到折线图,本篇内容就是用flutter写的一个折线图例程。(In the development of our mobile terminal, we need to use the line chart. This article is a line chart routine written by flutter.)
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  • 696524资源总数
  • 103801会员总数
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