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于 2009-04-20 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  点目标距离多普勒算法仿真 matlab程序(Range-Doppler algorithm for point target simulation program matlab)



0 个回复

  • signalProcesingUsing
    matlab 信息处理设计 fir滤波器设计(Information processing design fir filter design)
    2009-11-04 15:12:27下载
  • Dalin_Algo
    该程序是一纯滞后系统的大林控制算法,是一种不同于常规PID控制规律的新型算法。其控制效果大大优于普通PID控制算法。(that the procedure was a pure delay system Dalin control algorithm, Unlike a conventional PID control algorithm for the new law. Its effectiveness is significantly better than ordinary PID control algorithm.)
    2006-09-01 21:50:59下载
  • Gauss_Process
    利用高斯函数对图像进行处理的matlab程序(use Gaussian function of image processing procedures Matlab)
    2006-10-25 19:46:03下载
  • LogisticWatermark
    MATLAB置乱加密DCT水印~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(MATLAB is scrambled DCT watermark)
    2013-04-27 19:54:42下载
  • A200805-187
    去噪处理是图像处理中较为重要的环节。中值滤波是抑制图像的噪声的一个行之有效的办法,选择适当大小的中值滤波窗口可以在最大限度的保持图像精度的基础上去除图像噪声。本文在对中值滤波去噪算法的适用性特点进行研究的基础上,进一步研究了中值滤波去噪算法,同时对其他去噪算法,如均值滤波、低通滤波的小波变换进行分析研究,并做了相应的比较。(Noise reduction is one of the most important parts of image processing. Median filtering is a proven way to remove image noise. To select the appropriate size of the window can maximize to remove image noise on the basis of maintaining the accuracy of the image. On the basis of investigating the application of the median filtering algorithm denoising characteristics, we do further study of the median filtering algorithm denoising. At the mean time we analyzed the mean filtering and wavelet transform algorithm, and compared them.)
    2010-05-31 09:25:45下载
  • color
    在matlab中 HSV各分量求均值 方差以及三阶矩(Color extraction)
    2013-08-08 01:33:18下载
  • adjustBW
    Bandwidth (signal processing) or analog bandwidth, frequency bandwidth or radio bandwidth: a measure of the width of a range of frequencies, measured in hertz Bandwidth (computing) or digital bandwidth: a rate of data transfer, bit rate or throughput, measured in bits per second (bps) Spectral linewidth: the width of an atomic or molecular spectral line, measured in hertz
    2011-08-16 14:48:36下载
  • JGPC
    面向单变量系统的隐式广义预测控制,时域预测域6,控制域3(Length of time domain nn=6 Length of prediction n=6 Length of control domain m=2 control weighting efficient=0.8 Diffusion coefficient a=0.3 format of (n+1) order square P:0- duijiao,1-square1 original value of (n+1) order square P:0 )
    2013-08-14 10:12:58下载
  • cv_fenxi1
    matlab 代码,主要用于计算一数据矩阵的标准差,方差,变异系数,话三维曲面图(matlab code, data matrix used to calculate a standard deviation, variance, coefficient of variation, then D surface chart)
    2013-10-31 19:58:00下载
    利用遞迴式模糊類神經網路(recerrent neural networks system identification, RFNN)進行系統辨識, 自己寫的請多包含(recerrent neural networks system identification, RFNN)
    2009-02-05 20:32:41下载
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