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于 2010-11-03 发布 文件大小:20KB
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  Delphi公共登录系统设计代码Delphi code for public sign-on system design (Delphi code for public sign-on system design )



0 个回复

  • AI-90-10
    人工智能算法包含各种情况可在Delphi和C++中使用(artificial intelligence algorithms encompass a variety of situations in Delphi and C use)
    2007-06-14 00:55:19下载
  • user
    格式化硬盘病毒的的源代码,是用delphi语言写的。大家可以借鉴一下(formatted drives virus source code, is to use Delphi language written. We can learn some lessons from)
    2013-09-25 08:44:27下载
  • Delphi.code.public.sign.on.system.design
    Delphi公共登录系统设计代码Delphi code for public sign-on system design (Delphi code for public sign-on system design )
    2010-11-03 12:10:21下载
  • CSOLcopy
    说明:  CSOL学习代码 自己修改 增加 删除之类的!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(CSOL to learn the code revisions that add their own category to delete! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !)
    2021-01-13 07:08:47下载
    Modbus Master Protocol的ActiveX实现,支持使用VC、VB、Delphi、Excel等编程工具开发Modbus应用程序。(Modbus Master Protocol ActiveX technology, support the use of VC, VB, Delphi, Excel and other programming tools to develop Modbus applications.)
    2016-09-08 01:08:19下载
  • tugas-basisdata
    Largest 100M, the name should less 40 bytes long and should be English. Only support .rar,.zip,.gz files Directory: 选毡碌姆讇锟� Java Books SourceCode/Document E-Books Visual C++ Books Java Books Delphi-C++Builder software engineering Certification book Other Books Document [Expand all] [Recomment to add directory] (Important) Why your files are not be used? 1.The content is too simple 2.Is not a sourcecode or document 3.lost some files 4.Description is not detailed or not correct 5.Compressed file has password 6.Sourcecode duplicate or already e
    2014-11-12 12:24:16下载
  • CPPkeyword
    C++标准库,C++ Standard Library,是类库和函数的集合,其使用核心语言写成,由c++标准委员会制定,并不断维护更新。(The C++ standard library, C++ Standard Library, is a set of class libraries and function, the use of the core language, developed by the c++ Standards Committee, and continue to maintain and update.)
    2015-01-17 09:22:43下载
  • UntPools.pas
    一个Delphi对像池操作类源码,可以池化所有TObject 对像, 同样是对像池,可以只支持模板。(A Delphi operations source, like a pool can be pooled TObject object, is also like a pool, you can only support template.)
    2013-04-09 23:38:52下载
  • Picture111
    一个能显示动态图片的小控件,拖出来就可以显示动态效果。(Can display a dynamic picture of the gizmo, dragged out you can display dynamic effects.)
    2015-03-19 14:56:11下载
  • gs
    说明:   Delphi公式解析器,自己写的解析公式程序,感兴趣的朋友们自己下载源码研究吧。可以算出上边括号中的公式里的值,太复杂的公式没有试验过,或许也可以。(Delphi formula parser, write their own analytical formulas procedures, interested friends to download their own source of it. Can calculate the formulas in the upper brackets the value is too complex formulas not tested, maybe you can.)
    2013-06-19 17:09:04下载
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