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于 2009-06-13 发布 文件大小:313KB
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  FPGA课件,个人感觉不错,希望对大家有帮助(FPGA software, personal feel good, I hope all of you help)



0 个回复

  • phasedarrayradarataprocessinganditssimulationtechn
    相控阵雷达及其仿真技术:蔡庆宇著,包括最优估计,非线性滤波,机动目标跟踪,系统仿真技术等内容,是学习相控阵雷达技术的一本重要参考书(phased array radar and simulation technologies : a Qingyu, including optimal estimation, non-linear filtering, mobile target tracking, System simulation technology, learning phased array radar technology an important reference books)
    2007-05-07 02:22:19下载
  • cooperative-relay-system
    多协作中继系统的最优功率分配,北京邮电大学学报论文(More cooperative relay system, optimal power allocation, Beijing University of Posts and Journal Papers)
    2021-05-12 16:52:37下载
  • notebook
    tc环境下编写的记事本源代码,如有不完善之处,欢迎大家指导。(tc environment, origin notes written in code, if any imperfections, we are happy to guide.)
    2010-01-25 16:43:51下载
  • resin-reference
    resin-reference resin server Setting
    2011-01-24 12:18:08下载
  • IDL培训教材[2014]
    说明:  IDL(Interactive Data Language)交互式数据语言是进行数据分析、可视化表达和应用开发的第四代可视化。 本书包含详细的基础教程,新手适用。(This book is the basic course of IDL. It is comprehensive and suitable for novices.)
    2020-04-25 09:20:52下载
  • MATLAB_book1
    《MATLAB优化算法案例分析与应用(进阶篇)》,基于工程实践和算例的分析,对优化算法学习很有帮助(MATLAB optimization algorithm case analysis and application (Advanced edition), based on engineering practice and examples analysis. It is very helpful to learn the optimization algorithm)
    2017-04-24 17:01:34下载
  • ransanddns_ns
    求解NS方程的各种rans方法及直接数值模拟方法介绍 很好的PPT(A very good solver introduction of the ns equation,rans method, dns.)
    2013-12-14 22:00:54下载
  • NC-Programming-Courseware-entry
    数控编程基础入门课件(本人非编程人员,但真心恳求得到一个下载个数)(NC Programming Courseware entry)
    2014-05-21 08:49:04下载
  • dspprogram
    讲解DSP编程的高级书本,适合初级和中级读者(DSP Programming on the advanced books, suitable for primary and secondary readers)
    2009-03-18 11:09:17下载
  • MATLAB Codes for Finite Element Analysis
    有限元分析的matlab代码- 结构 本书旨在为读者提供一些有限元的matlab代码。 在简短介绍MATLAB之后,这本书说明了有限元。 用简单的脚本和函数实现一些问题。 .离散系统,如弹簧和杆 .梁和框架在二维和三维中的弯曲 .平面应力问题 .弯曲板 .Timoshenko明德林梁和板的自由振动,包括叠层复合材料 .Timoshenko梁和明德林板的屈曲(MATLAB Codes for Finite Element Analysis- Solids and Structures This book intend to supply readers with some MATLAB codes for finite element analysis of solids and structures. After a short introduction to MATLAB, the book illustrates the finite element implementation of some problems by simple scripts and functions. The following problems are discussed: .Discrete systems, such as springs and bars .Beams and frames in bending in 2D and 3D . Plane stress problems .Plates in bending .Free vibration of Timoshenko beams and Mindlin plates, including laminated composites .Buckling of Timoshenko beams and Mindlin plates)
    2020-12-08 09:39:20下载
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