首页 » Unix_Linux » Linux-C-Programming-HOWTO


于 2010-02-16 发布 文件大小:122KB
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  This document provides a comprehensive list of C++ URL pointers, links to C++ online textbooks, and programming tips on C++. This document also provides a C++ library which imitates Java− language, and which has various methods to avoid memory problems in C++. Using this library you can compile Java s source code under C++. This document serves as a "Home of C++ language".



0 个回复

  • rengongshichangfa
    基于机器人路径规划算法和导航系统的研究,结合粒子群算法和改进人工势场法的移动研究(Based on the research of robot path planning and navigation system, the particle swarm optimization algorithm and the improved artificial potential field method)
    2017-05-09 17:29:02下载
  • MonteCarlo
    介绍关于蒙特卡洛算法,用于模拟光子在人体皮肤(组织中传播的作用)(The Monte Carlo algorithm is introduced to simulate the effect of photons on human skin (tissue propagation).)
    2020-12-10 14:09:19下载
  • deeplearning_doc
    说明:  关于深度学习的一些论文资料,大家可以借鉴看一下(some pdf file about deep learning , thesises , we can study it for deep learing)
    2020-06-16 12:20:02下载
  • CsystemSimAndWA_11417507
    通信系统仿真原理与无线应用,matlab仿真参考书(Communication System Simulation Theory and wireless applications, matlab simulation of reference books)
    2009-12-17 13:59:51下载
  • jishiqi1
    使用C++实现的小程序。计时器单位转换。输入为整型数单位为秒,输出格式为DDD:HH:MM:SS的时间。华为机试。(Use C++ achieve applet. Timer unit conversion. Enter an integer number of seconds, the output format is DDD: HH: MM: SS time. Huawei machine again.)
    2013-12-06 09:48:52下载
  • 新GRE阅读理解36套
    说明:  GRE复习资料,祝各位亲们复习愉快!!!(GRE revision material)
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  • IDL培训教材[2014]
    说明:  IDL(Interactive Data Language)交互式数据语言是进行数据分析、可视化表达和应用开发的第四代可视化。 本书包含详细的基础教程,新手适用。(This book is the basic course of IDL. It is comprehensive and suitable for novices.)
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    说明:  matlab /simulink电力电子仿真经典教程,这个是matlab /simulink电力电子仿真入门教程,简洁明了!!!非常适合初学者,这是我迄今为止见过的最好的入门教程,没有之一!!!(matlab / simulink power electronics simulation classic tutorial, this is matlab / simulink power electronics simulation tutorial, simple and clear! ! ! Very suitable for beginners, this is the best introductory tutorial I have seen so far, no one! ! !)
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