首页 » matlab » 三维制导律仿真


于 2021-01-21 发布 文件大小:4KB
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  三维比例导引法仿真,可以攻击静止/机动目标(Three dimensional proportional navigation simulation can attack stationary / maneuvering targets)


三维制导律仿真\bili3dnew.m, 4805, 2017-07-17
三维制导律仿真\proportional3dnew.m, 573, 2016-11-27
三维制导律仿真\rungekutta3d.m, 1708, 2016-11-27
三维制导律仿真\sinmotorizeda3dnew.m, 1746, 2016-11-27
三维制导律仿真\squaremotorized3dnew.m, 2334, 2017-04-03
三维制导律仿真\代码说明文档.txt, 407, 2017-05-24



0 个回复

  • Matlab_ISR Model
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