首页 » VHDL » 这是很全的标准库啊,不是1164.vhd,都是一些加,乘,除,平方等操作的包来的....


于 2022-06-21 发布 文件大小:80.35 kB
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这是很全的标准库啊,不是1164.vhd,都是一些加,乘,除,平方等操作的包来的.-This is the standard for the whole ah, not 1164.vhd are some increases, multiplication, addition, operational square packages to come.



0 个回复

  • The source code for the Nios II development of an example, the main demonstratio...
    本源码为Nios II的开发示例,主要演示Nios II的定时中断器的应用。开发环境QuartusII。 本示例十分经典,对基于SOPC开发的FPGA初学者有很大帮助。-The source code for the Nios II development of an example, the main demonstration Nios II interrupt timing device applications. Development environment QuartusII. This example is very classic, FPGA-based SOPC development of great help for beginners.
    2022-03-20 14:56:37下载
  • phone
    用DE0开发板实现电话计费器,基本功能:可设置通话模式,能初始化话费余额,拨动开关可进入通话模式,并根据通话时间和相应通话模式扣除相应的费用。通话过程中能够通过开关切换显示通话时间和话费余额,并可暂停通话。压缩包里有详细的WORD文档的说明,包括波形仿真和DE0的引脚功能介绍。(Implemented by DE0 board telephone billing, basic function: to set the call mode, you can initiate credit balance, toggle switch into the talk mode, and deduct the cost of a call based on call time and the corresponding mode. Call talk time and can be displayed by switching credit balance, and mute. Compression bag has a detailed description of WORD documents, including the waveform simulation and DE0 pin function description.)
    2020-11-06 13:19:49下载
  • raylrnb (3)
    说明:  本资源有一个matlab程序段,是仿真BPSK分别在高斯噪声和瑞利衰落下的误码率,产生图形对仿真值和理论值进行比较(This resource has a matlab program segment, which is the bit error rate of simulated BPSK under Gaussian noise and Rayleigh fading respectively. The generated graph compares the simulated value with the theoretical value.)
    2019-10-21 21:16:04下载
  • second7-02
    在quartusII环境下采用对编解码芯片HD6408和HD6409驱动的方式实现曼彻斯特编解码(Environment in quartusII codec chip used on the HD6408 and HD6409-driven way to achieve encoding and decoding of Manchester)
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  • This code implements the shift register functions, beginners can learn to learn
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