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A VHDL source code for testing the digits and the switches on a spartan 3 basys...

于 2023-06-18 发布 文件大小:349.04 kB
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A VHDL source code for testing the digits and the switches on a spartan 3 basys board



0 个回复

  • add
    流水线乘法器与加法器 开发环境:Modelsim(verilog hdl)(Multiplier and adder pipeline development environment: Modelsim (verilog hdl))
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  • Digital_filterin_code
    MATLAB辅助设计数字滤波器源代码,QUATUS II 实现!(MATLAB-aided design of digital filter source code, QUATUS II implementation!)
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  • 一个在Xilinx spartan3实现的时钟,具有时分秒的计时显示以及年月日的显示,很有参考价值
    一个在Xilinx spartan3实现的时钟,具有时分秒的计时显示以及年月日的显示,很有参考价值-A Xilinx spartan3 realize the clock, with time-accurate time display and date display, a good reference
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  • chengxu
    数字时钟,可以实现(1) 显示日期功能(年、月、日、时、分、秒以及) (2) 可通过按键切换年、月、日及时、分、秒的显示状态 (3) 可随时调校年、月、日或时、分、秒 (4) 可每次增减一进行时间调节 (5) 可动态完整显示年份,实现真正的万年历显示 (6) 可显示温度 (Digital clock, can be achieved (1) the date function (year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds as well) (2) through the key switch the year, month, day in a timely manner, minute, second display state (3) at any time adjust the year, month, day or time, minutes, seconds (4) can be added or deleted, a time adjustment (5) can be dynamically complete display Year, the real calendar display (6) to display temperature)
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