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Study the performance of state machine. Rar inspect the performance of state mac...

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状态机的性能考察.rar 状态机的性能考察.rar-Study the performance of state machine. Rar inspect the performance of state machine. Rar



0 个回复

  • wishbone
    wishbone接口的设计,在交换机和MAC之间建立wishbone接口(the wishbone interface design, wishbone interface between the switch and MAC)
    2012-12-05 12:22:24下载
  • alu
    this file is vhdl code of alu
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  • help_lib
    1.JESD204B协议 2.Xilinx的JESD204B phy 核手册 3.Xilinx的JESD204B rx_tx 核手册7.1 4.Xilinx的JESD204B rx_tx 核手册7.2 5.verilog实现串口发送(1.JESD204B protocol 2.Xilinx JESD204B PHY core manual 3.Xilinx JESD204B rx_tx core manual 7.1 4.Xilinx JESD204B rx_tx core manual 7.2 5.verilog to achieve serial transmission)
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  • 本人编写的定点除法器,开发软件为XILINX的ISE6.2,通过PAR仿真.
    本人编写的定点除法器,开发软件为XILINX的ISE6.2,通过PAR仿真.-I prepared for the sentinel division, the development of software for the ISE6.2 Xilinx, PAR through simulation.
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  • VHDLrefencebook
    doulos公司出的VHDL学习工具,非常易学易懂!~(doulos company out of the VHDL learning tool, very easy to understand! ~)
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  • ahb_interface
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