首页 » VHDL » 用FPGA实现的VGA接口程序,采用的语言是VHDL硬件描述语言,大家可以参照下看看采用的器件是Altera EP2c35...

用FPGA实现的VGA接口程序,采用的语言是VHDL硬件描述语言,大家可以参照下看看采用的器件是Altera EP2c35...

于 2023-09-07 发布 文件大小:427.87 kB
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用FPGA实现的VGA接口程序,采用的语言是VHDL硬件描述语言,大家可以参照下看看采用的器件是Altera EP2c35-Using FPGA to achieve the VGA interface program, the language used is VHDL hardware description language, we can see under the light of the devices used are Altera EP2c35



0 个回复

  • uart_tx
    FPGA实现串口发送 Verilog 语言(Serial reception FPGA Verilog language.)
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  • chengxu
    设计制作一个可容纳4组参赛者的数字智力抢答器,每组设置一个抢答按键; 电路具有一第一抢答信号的鉴别和锁存的功能。在主持人将系统复位并发出抢答指令后,若参加者按抢答键,则该组指示灯亮并用组别显示抢答者的组别。此时,电路具有自锁功能,使别组的抢答开关不起作用。 设置计分电路。每组在开始时预置成6分,抢答后主持人计分,答对一次加1分。(The design can accommodate a the Entrants digital intellectual Responder, each set answer in a key circuit has a first answer in the signal to identify and latch functions. Host to the system reset and sent the answer in instruction, participants answer in key, the group of the group light and display the answer in the group. At this point, the circuit has a self-locking function does not work in other groups to answer switch. Set Scoring circuit. Preset six points each at the beginning of the answer in scoring after the host, answer time, add 1 point.)
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